CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Meet Me In The Middle

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Melvin van Boxtel (NL) & Satu Ketellapper (NL) - February 2017
Middle Of Love – Beverly Knight
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Sequence: Dance will start after 16counts intro
Restarts 2nd wall after 16 counts (6:00), 3rd & 5th wall after 56 counts, 7th & 8 wall after 48 counts

[1-8] cross over 2x, step fwd 2x, coasterstep ½
1-4LF cross over RF, RF step out to R side, LF cross over RF, RF point together to LF
5-6RF step fwd, LF step fwd
7&8RF step ½ turn back (6:00), LF step together to RF, RF step fwd

[9-16] toe strut, triple turn, step point together, Styled walks back
1-2touch L toe FWD, tap L toe
3&4RF step ¾ turn (3:00), LF step ½ turn out to L side (9:00), RF touch together LF
5-8RF walk back, LF walk back, RF walk back, LF step together RF
Restart 2nd wall: triple turn on count 3&4 (6:00)

[17-24] shuffle diagonal 2x, pivot ½ step fwd 2x
1&2&RF step out diagonal R side, LF close to RF, RF step out diagonal R side, LF close to RF
3&4LF step out diagonal L side, RF close to LF, LF step out diagonal L side
5&6RF step ½ turn (3:00), LF close to RF, RF step fwd
7&8LF step ½ turn (9:00), RF close to LF, LF step fwd

[24-32] point 2x, slide, heel swivel, rockstep, sweep ¾ turn, jump out, jump in
1&2&RF point to R side, RF close to LF, LF point to L side, LF close to RF
3-4RF big step to R side, LF close to RF
5&6RF swivel to L, swivel to R, RF rock back
&7&8RF sweep ¾ turn (12:00), RF close to LF, both feet jump out, both feet jump in (weight on LF)

[33-40] step fwd 2x, rockstep, step back 2x, sweeps 2x, cross behind, ¾ turn
174-2RF step fwd, LF step fwd
3&4&RF rock fwd, recover, RF step back, LF step back
5-8RF sweep back, LF sweep back, LF cross behind RF, ¾ turn (3:00)

[41-48] step out 2x, step in 2x, point, step fwd, fwd coupe turn, point, weave
1&2&RF step out, LF step out, RF step in, LF close to RF
3&4RF point to R side, RF close to LF, LF step fwd
5-6¾ turn on LF to L side (6:00), RF point to R side
7&8RF cross behind LF, LF step out to L side, RF cross over LF

[49-56] point, hold, coasterstep, triple turn
1-4LF point to L side, bend knees, straight legs on 3-4
5&6LF step back, RF step together to LF, LF step fwd
7&8RF step ½ turn (12:00), LF step ½ turn (6:00), RF step ½ turn (12:00) (change weight to RF)

[57-64] shuffles 2x, peddle ¼ turn, cross, ¾ turn, toe strut
1&2&LF step out diagonal (10:30), RF step next to LF, LF step out diagonal, RF step next to LF
3&4RF step fwd, LF step next to RF, RF step fwd
5&6LF step out ¼ turn, LF cross over RF
7&8¾ turn on LF (6:00), touch toe up, tap toe



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