CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Lookin' Like That

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Darcie DeAngelis (USA) - February 2017
Lookin' Like That - Jordan Fisher
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Restart: Walls 5 & 6 after 32 counts

Intro: 16 counts

(1-8) R Forward, Spiral, Step Lock Replace, R Back with L Heel Dig, Back Cross Back Side Cross
1 2Step R forward (1) Make full rotation L, weight remaining on R (2)
3&4Step L forward (3) Step ball of R behind L (&) Step L in place (4)
5Step R back while swiveling L toes up and outward with L heel down (5)
6&7&8Step L back (6) Cross R over L (&) Step L back (7) Step R to R (&) Cross L over R (8)

(9-16) R Side, Knee Wag, Slide L, Chase Turn, Weave
1&Step R to R, with foot planted bump R knee to R(1) R knee neutral (&)
2&3&Leaning slightly R, bump R knee R (2) R knee neutral (&) Bump R knee R (3) R knee neutral (&)
4Stepping L, push off R, sliding R to close next to L (4)
5&6Step R forward to 10:30 diagonal (5) Making 1/2 turn L, transfer weight to L (&) Making 5/8 turn L [to 12:00], step R to R (6)
7&8Cross L behind R (7) Step R to R (&) Cross L over R (8)

(17-24) 1/4 Turn R, Body Roll, Ball Step, Drop, 1/2 Turn with L Heel Dig, Coaster
1 2Making 1/4 turn R, step R forward (1) Push head, shoulders, chest then hips forward then back, weight ending L (2)
&3 4Step ball of R back (&) Step L back (3) Bend both knees, lowering body (4)
5 6Rotate L 1/2 turn, bringing weight to R, rotating L heel with toes up (5, 6)
7&8Step L back (7) Step R next to L (&) Step L forward (8)

(25-32) Step Lock Step Step Lock Step Step, Forward, 1/2 Turn, Kick Ball Touch
1 2&Step R forward (1) Step L behind R (2) Step R forward (&)
3&4Step L forward (3) Step R behind L (&) Step L forward (4) Step R forward (&)
5 6Step L forward (5) Making 31/2 R, transfer weight to R (6)
7&8Continuing rotation R 1/4 turn [6:00], kick L to L (7) Step L down to center (&) Touch R toe behind L (8)
** Restart here on walls 5 & 6; First restart facing back wall, second starts facing front

(33-40) Big Step, Toe Split, Ball Touch x 4
1 2Step down R, making exaggerated step/slow flick with L to 7:30 diagonal (1,2)
3&4Step L down (3) Weight even on both heels, rotate toes outward (&) Return toes neutral, weight L (4)
5&6&Making 5/8 turn [to 3:00] over next four counts, step R slightly R (5) Touch L next to R (&) Step L slightly L (6) Touch R next to L (&)
7&8&Step R slightly R (7) Touch L next to R (&) Step L slightly L (8) Touch R next to L (&)

(41-48) Forward, Touch with 1/4 R, Side Step L with Dip, 1/4 1/2, Kick Ball
1 2Step R forward (1) Making 1/4 turn R [6:00], touch L next to R (2)
3 4Big to L with step L (3) Lower body moving R to L making half circle, weight ending L (4)
5 6Making 1/4 turn R, step R forward [9:00] (5) Making 1/2 turn R, step L back [3:00] (6)
7 8&Step R next to L (7) Kick L forward (8) Step ball of L next to R (&)



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