At the 3rd wall make the first section (resume the dance)
At the 9th wall make the first 3 sections (resume the dance)
TAG: in the 5th wall make the first 2 counts then the tag (Rockingchair in Syncopé) Then Resume the dance
SECTION 1 : Walk right fwd , Walk left Fwd, Mambo Fwd, Walk left back, Walk right Back, Sailors 1/2 L turn step
1-2 Step forward on left
3 & 4 Mambo forward (step forward to lean, step back on left, step right behind support)
5-6 LF / RF step backwards
7 & 8 Step back on left, turn ½ turn to left side, step right beside left, Step left beside left
SECTION 2 : Right grapevine hell jack, ½ turn, leftcross shuffle
1-2 Step right to right side, Cross step behind right
& 3 Step back on right, touch left heel forward
& 4 Step left beside right, cross right over left,
5-6 LF slightly behind ¼ turn to the right, step right to right side ¼ turn to the right
7 & 8 Cross left over right, step right to right side, Cross step left over right
SECTION 3 : Point right, point left, hell right,hell left, point right fwd ¾ right, Step fwd left, kick right
1 & 2 Step right to right side, step right to left side, Step left to left side
& 3 & 4 Lean back on left, Left heel forward, step right beside left, step left forward
& 5-6 Step back on left, step right behind left, ¾ right
7-8 Step forward on left, Kick forward on right
SECTION 4 : Shuffle back right, shuffle back left , Rock step back right,full turn fwd
1 & 2 Do not chase back PD (R / L / R)
3 & 4 Not driven back PG (L / R / L)
5-6 Step right behind right, step back on right
7-8 Pivot ½ turn to the left, support PD back, pivot ½ turn to the left PG in front of
Keep smiling and start dancing again
At the 3rd wall make the first section (resume the dance)
At the 9th wall make the first 3 sections (resume the dance)
TAG: in the 5th wall make the first 2 counts then the tag (Rockingchair in Syncopé) Then Resume the dance
SECTION 1 : Walk right fwd , Walk left Fwd, Mambo Fwd, Walk left back, Walk right Back, Sailors 1/2 L turn step
1-2 Step forward on left
3 & 4 Mambo forward (step forward to lean, step back on left, step right behind support)
5-6 LF / RF step backwards
7 & 8 Step back on left, turn ½ turn to left side, step right beside left, Step left beside left
SECTION 2 : Right grapevine hell jack, ½ turn, leftcross shuffle
1-2 Step right to right side, Cross step behind right
& 3 Step back on right, touch left heel forward
& 4 Step left beside right, cross right over left,
5-6 LF slightly behind ¼ turn to the right, step right to right side ¼ turn to the right
7 & 8 Cross left over right, step right to right side, Cross step left over right
SECTION 3 : Point right, point left, hell right,hell left, point right fwd ¾ right, Step fwd left, kick right
1 & 2 Step right to right side, step right to left side, Step left to left side
& 3 & 4 Lean back on left, Left heel forward, step right beside left, step left forward
& 5-6 Step back on left, step right behind left, ¾ right
7-8 Step forward on left, Kick forward on right
SECTION 4 : Shuffle back right, shuffle back left , Rock step back right,full turn fwd
1 & 2 Do not chase back PD (R / L / R)
3 & 4 Not driven back PG (L / R / L)
5-6 Step right behind right, step back on right
7-8 Pivot ½ turn to the left, support PD back, pivot ½ turn to the left PG in front of
Keep smiling and start dancing again