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Outlaw Like Me

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Intermediate waltz
Pim van Grootel (NL), Daniel Trepat (NL), Roy Verdonk (NL), Darren Bailey (UK) & Raymond Sarlemijn (NL) - November 2016
Outlaw Like Me - Prophets and Outlaws
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Intro: 12 counts from first beat in music (app. 6 sec. into track). Start when he starts singing
Restart in the 1st wall after 42 counts

[1 – 6] Diagonal Step fwd, Drag, Back, Rockstep
1 – 3Step diagonal L forward (1), Drag R towards L (2, 3), 10:30
4 – 6Step diagonally R back (4), Rock L behind (5), recover on R (6) 12:00

[7 – 12] Basic Half turn 2x
1 – 3Step diagonal L forward (1), ¼ turn L stepping R to R side (2), ¼ turn L stepping L back (3) 4:30
4 – 6Step diagonal R back (4), ¼ turn L stepping L to L side (5), ¼ turn L stepping R forward (6) 10:30

[13 – 18] 1/8 turn Pirouette turn L, ¼ turn R Cross Twinkle
1 – 3Step L fwd (1), Start 1/8 turn L while raising the R knee to side (2) Finish the ¼ turn L from count 2 (3) 9:00
4 – 6Cross R over L (4), ¼ turn R stepping L back (5), Step R to R side (6) 12:00

[19 – 24] Cross, Back, Close, Weave
1 – 3Cross L over R (1), Step diagonal R back (2), Step L next to R (3) 12:00
4 – 6Cross R over L (4), Step L to L side (5), Cross R behind L (6) 12:00

[25 – 30] Ballet Waltz 2x
1 – 3Step L to L side (1), Cross rock R behind L (2), Recover (3) 12:00
4 – 6Step R to R side (4), Cross rock L behind R (5), Recover (6) 12:00

[31 – 36] Full Turn Pirouette L, ½ turn Walk R L R
1 – 3¼ turn L stepping L forward & start ¾ turn L with the pirouette (1), Finish the pirouette (3) 12:00
4 – 6Walk a half turn moon with Right (4), Left (5), Right (6) 6:00

[37 – 42] Step with sweep, Cross, Unwind
1 – 3Step diagonal L forward & start sweeping R forward (1), Finish sweeping R fwd (2), Cross R over L (3) 4:30
4 – 6Turn a full turn L (unwind) ending with weight on R (4, 5, 6) 4:30
Restart Restart here in wall 1

[43 – 48] Forward, Hold, Back, Hold
1 – 3Step L forward (1), Hold (2), Hold (3) (on the holds drag R towards L) 4:30
4 – 6Step R back (4), Hold (5), Hold (6) (on the holds drag L towards R) 4:30

Begin again!


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