Intro: 32 counts (27 secs)
[1 – 8] Step, side rock cross, side rock cross, step, tap ½, step ¼ pivot.
1&2&Step forward on right (1). Rock left to left side (&). Recover on right 2. Cross left over right (&).
3&4&Rock right to right side (3). Recover on left (&). Cross right over left (4). Step back on left (&).
5,6Tap back on right toe (5). ½ right leaving weight on right (6).
7,8Step forward on left (7). ¼ pivot right stepping right to right side (8).
[9 – 16] Sailorstep, sailorstep, tap, tap, ¼ press, slow coaster step.
1&2Cross left behind right (1). Step right to right side (&). Step left to left side (2).
&3&Cross right behind left (&). Step left to left side 3. Step right to right side (&).
4&Tap left toe next to right (4). Tap left toe to left side (&).
5,6¼ left press left toe forward (5). Recover on right (6).
7,8Step left next to right (7). Step forward on right (8).
[17 – 24] Lock, diagonal steps, lock, diagonal steps, step, ½ pivot, full turn.
1&2Lock left behind right (1). Step right diagonally forward to the right (&). Step left diagonally forward to the left (2).
3&4Lock right behind left (3). Step left diagonally forward to the left (&). Step right diagonally forward to the right (4).
5,6Step forward on left (5). ½ pivot right stepping right forward (6).
7,8½ right stepping back on left (7). ½ right stepping forward on right (8).
[25 – 32] Coaster forward, coaster back, step, lock, unwind, walk back.
1&2Step forward on left (1). Step right next to left (&). Step back on left (2).
3&4Step back on right (3). Step left next to right (&). Step forward on right (4).
&5,6Step forward on left (&). Lock right behind left (5). ½ right unwind leaving weight on left (6).
7,8Walk back on right (7). Walk back on left (8).
Tag: After wall 2 and 4.
[1 - 4] Modified jazzbox
1,2,3,4Step forward on right (1). Cross left over right (2). Step back on right (3). Step left to left side (4).
Restart: Wall 5 after 16 counts.
Add a quick step forward on left (&) after count 16 to Restart the dance.
[1 – 8] Step, side rock cross, side rock cross, step, tap ½, step ¼ pivot.
1&2&Step forward on right (1). Rock left to left side (&). Recover on right 2. Cross left over right (&).
3&4&Rock right to right side (3). Recover on left (&). Cross right over left (4). Step back on left (&).
5,6Tap back on right toe (5). ½ right leaving weight on right (6).
7,8Step forward on left (7). ¼ pivot right stepping right to right side (8).
[9 – 16] Sailorstep, sailorstep, tap, tap, ¼ press, slow coaster step.
1&2Cross left behind right (1). Step right to right side (&). Step left to left side (2).
&3&Cross right behind left (&). Step left to left side 3. Step right to right side (&).
4&Tap left toe next to right (4). Tap left toe to left side (&).
5,6¼ left press left toe forward (5). Recover on right (6).
7,8Step left next to right (7). Step forward on right (8).
[17 – 24] Lock, diagonal steps, lock, diagonal steps, step, ½ pivot, full turn.
1&2Lock left behind right (1). Step right diagonally forward to the right (&). Step left diagonally forward to the left (2).
3&4Lock right behind left (3). Step left diagonally forward to the left (&). Step right diagonally forward to the right (4).
5,6Step forward on left (5). ½ pivot right stepping right forward (6).
7,8½ right stepping back on left (7). ½ right stepping forward on right (8).
[25 – 32] Coaster forward, coaster back, step, lock, unwind, walk back.
1&2Step forward on left (1). Step right next to left (&). Step back on left (2).
3&4Step back on right (3). Step left next to right (&). Step forward on right (4).
&5,6Step forward on left (&). Lock right behind left (5). ½ right unwind leaving weight on left (6).
7,8Walk back on right (7). Walk back on left (8).
Tag: After wall 2 and 4.
[1 - 4] Modified jazzbox
1,2,3,4Step forward on right (1). Cross left over right (2). Step back on right (3). Step left to left side (4).
Restart: Wall 5 after 16 counts.
Add a quick step forward on left (&) after count 16 to Restart the dance.