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It Must Have Been Love

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Easy Intermediate
Lu Olsen (AUS) - November 2016
It Must Have Been Love - Jessica Mauboy : (Album: Secret Daughter - iTunes)
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#8 count intro start on vocals - Ver: 1.00 - Direction: Clockwise,

[1 – 8] Sweep, Sweep, Lock shuffle fwd, Fwd, ¼ R, Cross Shuffle
1,2,Sweep fwd R, Sweep fwd L, - 12.00
3 & 4Lock Shuffle fwd: Step R fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd,
5, 6,Step L fwd, ¼ Right paddle turn, - 3.00
7 & 8Cross Shuffle L over R ( L, R, L)

[9 – 16] ¼ back, ½ fwd, Lock Shuffle fwd, Side, Side, ¼ L turn L Sailor fwd
1, 2¼ Left turn & step R back, ½ Left turn & step L fwd, - 6.00
3 & 4Lock Shuffle fwd: Step R fwd, Lock L behind R, Step R fwd,
5, 6Step L to Left, Rock R to Right
7 & 8Step L behind R, ¼ Right turn & step R fwd, Step L fwd 9.00

[&17 – 24] Tog, Fwd diag, In place, L Sailor, Tog, Side, Side, ¼ R turn L sailor fwd
& 1, 2Step R together, Step L to fwd L 45, Step R in place - 9.00
3 & 4(L Sailor) Step L behind R, Step R to right, Step L to Left
& 5, 6Step R together, Step L to Left, Rock R to Right
7 & 8Step L behind R, ¼ Right turn & Step R fwd, Step L fwd # - 12.00

[25 – 32] Fwd, ¼ L pivot , Cross & ¼ L, Fwd, Tog, Fwd, Back, ¼ L turn sailor fwd
1, 2Step R fwd, ¼ Left pivot turn (wght on L) 9.00
3, 4(3) Cross R over L & into ¼ Left twist turn, (4)Step L fwd - 6.00
& 5, 6Step R beside L, Step L fwd, Step R Back
7 & 8Sweep/step L behind R, ¼ Left turn & step R to Right, Step L fwd - 3.00

Short walls 2 & 5 : Dance to count 16 then start again
Walls 2 (3.00) start again 12.00) & Wall 5 (6.00) start again 3.00

Wall 7 (6.00) Only dance first 8 counts (where the wind blows.) start again Wall 8 at (9.00)

Last wall: Wall 10 (6.00) Dance to count 24 # - Change 23 & 24 to L sailor ¼ LEFT TURNING L SAILOR FWD turn …add R fwd/drag L - to finish to the front.

Lu Olsen: 03 9735 1219 (h), Mob: 0438 735 122 - Email: - web:


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