CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You Look Like Rain

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Easy Intermediate
Stephen & Lesley McKenna (SCO) - October 2016
Here's to the Farmer - Luke Bryan : (Album: Farm Tour.....Here's To The Farmer)
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Intro:- 16 Counts

Section 1: R side, rock back, recover, side, behind, side, cross, back, R step lock step
1-2&3Step R long step to R side, rock back L, recover R, step L to L side
4&5Step R behind L, step L to L side, cross R over L
6Step back L as you hook R slightly across L
7&8Step forward R, lock L behind R, step forward R

Section 2: L cross, ¼ L, side, behind, ¼ L, side, cross rock, recover, side, 1/8 R rock back, recover, kick, ball
1&2Cross L over R, turn ¼ L stepping back R, step L to L side (9 O'clock)
3&4Step R behind L, turn ¼ L stepping forward L, step R to R side (6 O'clock)
5&6Cross rock L over R, recover R, step L long step to L side
7&8&Turn 1/8 R rocking back R, recover L, low kick R, step R next to L (7.30)
(*Restart - wall 3 & 6 – see notes) (** 1st Tag – wall 4 – see notes)

Section 3: L rock, recover, L back lock back, rock back, recover, spiral full turn, L step lock step
1-2Rock forward L, recover R
3&4Step back L, lock R over L, step back L
5&6Rock back R, recover L, step forward R as you spiral full turn L
7&8Step forward L, lock R behind L, step forward L (Section 3 still on 7.30)

Section 4: 1/8 R cross, side, behind, sway L R, behind, side, cross. Prissy walk R L
1&2Turn 1/8 R crossing R over L, step L to L side, step R behind L (9 O'clock)
3-4Sway L, sway R
5&6Step L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
7-8Cross R over L, cross L over R (travelling forward) (***2nd Tag – wall 7- see notes)

*Restart during wall 3 & 6:- Step Change:- Dance up to and including count 7& in section 2, then replace steps for 8& (kick ball) with Rock R to R side(8), recover L(&) turning 1/8 L to square off to main wall.

**1st Tag wall 4:- Step Change before Tag:- Same step change as before, then add 4 count tag, SWAY R L R L turning 1/8 L to square off to main wall.

***2nd Tag wall 7:- Add 4 count Tag at the end of wall 7, SWAY R L R L.

Don't be put off with the restarts and tags, very easy!!!


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