CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Such A Shame

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Jonas Dahlgren (SWE) & Malene Jakobsen (DK) - October 2016
We Don’t Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez) - Charlie Puth : (Album: Nine Track Mind)
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Intro: 32 counts 20 seconds into track, dance begins with weight on L

Music available on iTunes, 104 BPM

[1-8] Side, back rock, side, back rock, walk walk, lock step fwd.
1&2(1) Step R to R, (&) rock back on L, (2) recover onto R 12.00
3&4(3) Step L to L, (&) rock back on R, (3) recover onto L 12.00
5-6(5-6) Walk fwd. R, L 12.00
7&8(7) Step fwd. on R, (&) lock L behind R, (8) step fwd. on R 12.00

[9-16] Mambo 1/4, cross shuffle, ball cross with sweep, cross, 1/4, step back, point back with hip
1-2&(1) Rock fwd. on L, (2) recover onto R, (&) step L to L making 1/4 L 9.00
3&4(3) Cross R over L, (&) step L to L, (4) cross R over L 9.00
&5-6(&) Step L next to R, (5) cross R over L sweeping L from back to front, (6) continue the sweep 9.00
7&8(7) Cross L over R, (&) turn 1/4 L stepping back on R, (8) step back on L 6.00
&1(&) Step back on R, (1) sit into R hip 6.00

[17-24] Snap R fingers, hip bumps, ball step 1/8, 1/2, shuffle 1/2
2(2) Stretch R arm back looking R and snap fingers 6.00
&3&4(&) Bump L hip upwards, (3) bump R hip back, (&) bump L hip upwards, (4) bump R hip back 6.00
&5-6(&) Step L next to R , (5) step fwd. on R, (6) turn 1/2 R stepping back on L 12.00
7&8(7) Turn 1/4 stepping R to R, (&) step L next to R, (8) turn 1/4 R stepping fwd. on R 6.00

[25-32] 3/8, step fwd., R mambo, step back with sweep, continue sweep, turning shuffle
&1-2(&) Step fwd. on L, (1) turn 3/8 R, (2) step fwd. on L 10.30
3&4(3) Rock fwd. on R, (&) recover onto L, (4) step back on R 10.30
5-6(5) Step back on L starting to sweep R from front to back, (6) continue the sweep 10.30
7&(7) Cross R behind L making 1/8 L, (&) turn 1/4 L stepping fwd. on L 6.00
8&(8) Step slightly fwd. on R, (&) Cross L over R making 1/4 L 3.00

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