CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Don't Let Me Down

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Low Intermediate
Shelley Glockner (USA) - October 2016
Start on lyrics, after 24 beats

S1: Walk, walk, mambo, touch toe back, ½ turn, chase turn
1 2Step RF forward, step LF forward
3&4Rock RF forward, recover LF, step RF next to LF
5 6Touch left toe back, ½ turn left taking weight to LF
7&8Step RF forward, ½ turn pivot left stepping on LF, step forward with RF

S2: Rock, recover, ¼ turn shuffle, ½ turn shuffle, weave
1 2Rock LF forward, recover RF
3&4¼ turn left stepping LF side, step RF next to LF and step LF side
5&6½ turn left stepping RF side, step LF next to RF and step RF side
7&8Step LF behind RF, step RF side, step LF across RF

S3: Scissor right and left, heel grind with ¼ pivot, right coaster step
1&2Step RF side, step LF next to RF, step RF over LF
3&4Step LF side, step RF next to LF, step LF over RF
5 6Place right heel forward taking weight to heel while turning ¼ turn to right, stepping back on LF
7&8Step RF back, step LF next to RF, Step RF forward

S4: Rock, recover, left coaster step, step across, step side, ¼ turn right sailor step
1 2Rock LF forward, recover RF
3&4Step LF back, step RF next to LF, step LF forward
5 6Step RF across LF, step LF side
7&8Step RF back, ¼ turn right while stepping LF side, step RF in place

S5: Hip bumps left and right, kick step point, cross, ½ turn unwind
1&2Step LF forward bumping hips LRL
3&4Step RF forward bumping hips RLR
5&6Kick LF forward, step LF next to RF, touch right toe to side
7 8Cross right toe over LF, ½ turn left taking weight to LF

S6: Hip bumps right and left, kick step point, cross, ½ turn unwind
1&2Step RF forward bumping hips RLR
3&4Step LF forward bumping hips LRL
5&6Kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, touch left toe to side
7 8Cross left toe over RF, ½ turn right keeping weight to LF




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