Intro: 32 cts
SCT 1 : (Kick, Rock step, Recover, Together) R & L
1 - 2Kick fwd RF, Rock back RF
3 - 4Recover on LF, Step RF together
5 - 6Kick fwd LF, Rock back LF
7 - 8Recover on RF, Step LF together
SCT 2 : Side, Point behind, Side, Point behind, Side, Together, Swivel
1 - 2Step RF slightly in right fwd diagonal, Point LF behind RF
3 - 4Step LF slightly in left fwd diagonal, Point RF behind LF
5 - 6Step RF on right side, Step LF together
7 - 8Turn both heels to the right side, Turn both toes to the front wall. (Bend knees on both counts)
RESTART HERE ON WALL 5 (facing 12:00)
SCT 3 : Toe Struts L, R, Rocking Chair
1 - 2Step left toe forward, drop left heel
3 - 4Step right toe forward, drop right heel
5 - 6Rock LF fwd, Recover on RF
7 - 8Rock LF back , Recover on RF
SCT 4 : Jazz 1/4 turn L, Point L, Hitch, L Chassé fwd
1 - 2Cross LF over RF, Step RF back
3 - 41/4 turn left stepping LF fwd,Step RF fwd
5 - 6Point LF on left side, Hitch left knee
7 & 8Step LF fwd, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd 9:00
SCT 1 : (Kick, Rock step, Recover, Together) R & L
1 - 2Kick fwd RF, Rock back RF
3 - 4Recover on LF, Step RF together
5 - 6Kick fwd LF, Rock back LF
7 - 8Recover on RF, Step LF together
SCT 2 : Side, Point behind, Side, Point behind, Side, Together, Swivel
1 - 2Step RF slightly in right fwd diagonal, Point LF behind RF
3 - 4Step LF slightly in left fwd diagonal, Point RF behind LF
5 - 6Step RF on right side, Step LF together
7 - 8Turn both heels to the right side, Turn both toes to the front wall. (Bend knees on both counts)
RESTART HERE ON WALL 5 (facing 12:00)
SCT 3 : Toe Struts L, R, Rocking Chair
1 - 2Step left toe forward, drop left heel
3 - 4Step right toe forward, drop right heel
5 - 6Rock LF fwd, Recover on RF
7 - 8Rock LF back , Recover on RF
SCT 4 : Jazz 1/4 turn L, Point L, Hitch, L Chassé fwd
1 - 2Cross LF over RF, Step RF back
3 - 41/4 turn left stepping LF fwd,Step RF fwd
5 - 6Point LF on left side, Hitch left knee
7 & 8Step LF fwd, Step RF next to LF, Step LF fwd 9:00