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Chase That Song

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Kate Sala (UK) - September 2016
Chase That Song - Cody Jinks
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Intro: 16 counts or 6 seconds.

S1: Small Run Forward, Hop, Small Run Forward, Hop.
1 - 4Small run steps forward on R, L, R. Small hop on the spot on R hitching L knee up.
5 - 8Small run steps forward on L, R, L. Small hop on the spot on L hitching R knee up.

S2: Small Run Back, Hop, Coaster Step, Hold.
1 - 4Small run steps back on R, L, R. Small hop on the spot on R hitching L knee up.
5 - 8Step back on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L. Hold. *(Restart from here during wall 4)

S3: Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn Left, Cross, Hold, Side Rock & Cross, Hold.
1 - 4Step forward on R. Pivot 1/4 turn left. Cross step R over L. Hold. 9:00
5 - 8Side rock on L to left side. Recover on to R. Cross step L over R. Hold.

S4: Vine Right With 1/4 Turn Right, Hold, Step, Pivot 1/4 Turn Right, Cross, Hold.
1 - 4Step R to right side. Cross step L behind R. Turn 1/4 right stepping forward on R. Hold.
5 - 8Step forward on L. Pivot 1/4 turn right. Cross step L over R. Hold. 3:00

S5: Weave Right, Touch In, Out, In.
1 - 4Step R to right side. Cross step L behind R. Step R to right side. Cross step L over R.
5 - 8Step R to right side. Touch L toe next to R instep. Touch L toe out. Touch L toe in again.

S6: Step Left, Touch In/Clap, Step Right, Touch In/Clap, Step Back, Heel Dig, Step, Scuff.
1 - 4Step L to left side. Touch R next to L instep/clap. Step R to right side. Touch L next to R instep/clap.
5 - 8Step back on L. Dig R heel forward. Step down on R. Scuff L forward.

S7: Shuffle Forward, Scuff, Rock Recover 1/2 Turn Right, Hold.
1 - 4Step forward on L. Step R next to L. Step forward on L. Scuff R forward.
5 - 8Rock forward on R. Recover on to L. Turn 1/2 right stepping forward on R. Hold. 9:00

S8: Shuffle 1/2 Turn Right, Hold, Coaster Step, Small Step Forward With Dip.
1 - 4Turn 1/4 right stepping L to left side. Step R next to L. Turn 1/4 right stepping back on L. Hold. 3:00
5 - 8Step back on R. Step L next to R. Step forward on R. Small step forward on L with slight dip.

Start Again - Enjoy!

*Restart: During wall 4 facing 9:00 - Restart the dance after 16 counts.


Sassy Stepper October 5, 2016
Love this "happy" dance. Made it the dance-of-the month in my improver's classes for September so everyone got to know it pretty well. We are still enjoying it and I hope it stays around awhile. Thank you Kate!

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