CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
EWS Winson (MY) & Adeline Cheng (MY) - August 2016
Cinderella - Tata Young
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Intro: 16 counts in (approx. 11 sec)

#1 (1-8) R Kick Ball Step, Heel Swivels, L Low Hitch, L-R Back Attitude Walk, L Coaster Cross
1&2Kick RF forward (1), step RF in place (&), step LF forward (2) 12.00
&3&4Twist both heels to L side (&), return heels to centre (3), twist both heels to L side (&), return heels to centre (4) 12.00
&Lift L knee up (&) – keep this step quick and low 12.00
5-6Step LF back (5), step RF back (6) – walk with attitude 12.00
7&8Step LF back (7), close RF next to LF (&), cross LF over RF (8) 12.00

#2 (9-16) R Side Point with Hips Lifted & Dropped, R Behind, L Side, R Cross, L Side Point with Hips Lifted & Dropped, L Behind, ¼ (R) with R Forward, L Forward
1&2Point R toes to R side as lifting hips up (1), drop hips down (&), lift hips up (2) – remain weight on LF 12.00
3&4Cross RF behind LF (3), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (4) 12.00
5&6Point L toes to L side as lifting hips up (5), drop hips down (&), life hips up (6) – remain weight on RF 12.00
7&8Cross LF behind RF (7), turn ¼ R stepping RF forward (&), step LF forward (8) *** 3.00
Restart here on Wall 6, facing 12.00 o’clock.

#3 (17-24) R Cross Rock & Recover, R Side Rock & Recover, R Cross Heel Jack, L Cross Rock & Recover, L Side Rock & Recover, L Cross Heel Jack
1&2&Cross rock RF over LF (1), recover weight on LF (&), rock RF to R side (2), recover weight on LF (&) 3.00
3&4&Cross RF over LF (3), step LF to L side (&), touch R heel diagonally to R side (4), close RF next to LF (&) 3.00
5&6&Cross rock LF over RF (5), recover weight on RF (&), rock LF to L side (6), recover weight on RF (&) 12.00
7&8&Cross LF over RF (7), step RF to R side (&), touch L heel diagonally to L side (8), close LF next to RF (&) 3.00

#4 (25-32) ¼ (L) with Hips Rolled, L Side Tap with Hips Pushed, L Step & Hips Roll, ¼ (R) with R Forward Tap & Hips Pushed, R Coaster Step, L Forward Shuffle
1-2Turn ¼ L stepping RF to R side while rolling hips from L to R in a big circle (1), tapping L toes to L side while pushing hips to L side (2) 12.00
3-4Step LF in place and roll hips from R to L in a big circle (3), turn ¼ R tapping R toes forward while pushing hips forward (4) 3.00
5&6Step RF back (5), close LF next to RF (&), step RF forward (6) 3.00
7&8Step LF forward (7), close RF next to LF (&), step LF forward (8) 3.00

#5 (33-40) R Hitch, ¼ (R) with R Side, L Point, ¼ (L) with L Forward, ½ (L) with R Back & L Sweep, L Sailor ¼ (L) Cross, Shoulder Shrugs, R Ball, L Cross
1&2Lift R knee up beside LF (1), turn ¼ R stepping RF to R side (&), point L toes to L side (2) 6.00
3-4Turn ¼ L stepping LF forward (3), turn ½ L stepping RF back while sweeping LF from front to back (4) 9.00
5&6Turn ¼ L crossing LF behind RF (5), step RF to R side (&), cross LF over RF (6) 6.00
&7&8Shrug shoulders to R side (&), shrug shoulders to L side (7), step RF to R side (&), cross LF over RF (8) *** 6.00
Restart here on Wall 7, facing 6.00 o’clock.

#6 (41-48) R-L Syncopated Side Rocking Steps, R Side, Knee Pops, L Ball, R Cross Unwind ¾ (L)
1-2&Rock RF to R side (1), recover weight on LF (2), step RF beside LF (&) 6.00
3-4&Rock LF to L side (3), recover weight on RF (4), step LF beside RF (&) 6.00
5&6Step RF to R side (5), pop both knees forward (&), recover both feet in place (6) – no weight 6.00
&7-8Close LF next to RF (&), cross RF over LF (7), turn ¾ L over L shoulder (8) – remain weight on LF 9.00

Ending: On Wall 8, dance until count 40 and strike a pose you like, finishing at 12.00 o’clock.

Contacts: 1. - 2.

12 MAY '17 50


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