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If You Love Dancin'

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Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - August 2016
Wanna Dance - Nathan Carter
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Intro 32 counts. No Tags or Restarts

Section 1: Heel Grind. Back Rock. Diagonal Forward Shuffle. Diagonal Forward Shuffle .
1-2Take weight on your right heel and fan toes from left to right. Recover onto left.
3-4Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
5&6Step forward on right. Close left beside right. Step forward on right. (right diagonal).
7&8Step forward on left. Close right beside left. Step forward on left. (left diagonal).
Styling: Push you arms up twice on the Forward Shuffles (right and left).

Section 2: Step. Kick. Coaster Step. Rock Step. Back Shuffle.
1-2Step forward on right. Kick left forward.
3&4Step back on left. Step right beside left. Step forward on left.
5-6Rock forward on right. Recover onto left.
7&8Step back on right. Close left beside right. Step back on right.

Section 3: Rock Step .Left Kick Ball Change. Heel Switches. Step ½ Turn right.
1-2Rock back on left. Recover onto right.
3&4Kick left forward. Step left in place. Step right in place.
5&6&Touch left heel forward. Step left in place. Touch right heel forward. Step right in place
7-8Step forward on left. Turn ½ right.

Section 4: Sugar Foot. Stomp. Sugar Foot. Stomp. Rock Step. Jump Back. Hold & Clap.
1&2Touch left toe to instep of right foot Touch left heel to instep of right foot. Stomp left
3&4Touch right toe to instep of left foot Touch right heel to instep of left foot. Stomp right
5-6Rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
&7-8Jump Back left. Jump Back right. Hold & Clap.


Pismo August 18, 2016
I wouldn't teach a dance with heel grinds, sugar foot steps, syncopations, jumps, and a half turn to my beginners.

Micaela August 18, 2016
I guess your beginners are not very good then Pismo.
I certainly have no problems with that in my classes.

LD Crazy Mike August 18, 2016
Pismo !
That´s a matter on how you drill your class, and allso what level they are in but allso how the Instructor inflict´s on the dancers. In our group of LD Crazy M´s we have no trouble what so ever to teach it. Seen it all to much how Instructor´s undervalue the dancers on the floor. Only time i agree is when you might have a new older senior group, when you have to take it more carefully.

LD Crazy Mike

Pismo August 19, 2016
As a matter of fact, I DO teach seniors, but that's not the point. I don't DRILL my students--they're there to have fun. I'm not disparaging the dance, which is perfectly fine. I only take exception to the level. It's a shame there are no guidelines we can use, so it's up to each choreographer and instructor. I'd teach this at an improver level if I were going to teach it.

Micaela August 19, 2016
True true! Still I know plenty of dances much more difficult than this one still called beginner dances.
6,8,12 ( a NC2 Step)and Peligrosa just to mention two ( no disrespect to the choreographers)
I also know choreographers who call everything where there is no tag or restart beginner dances.
Good or bad?
At the end of the day it is the instructor who chooses what fits his/ her dancers, regardless of what the step sheet says.
I know for sure that my improvers would learn this dance in less than 5 minutes so for them this is not a dance that would challenge them.

LD Crazy Mike August 19, 2016
Pismo !
Well i do agree about the guideline, and allso in our classes we have a lots of fun and laughts, but we do not undervalue our dancers . But i allso know that we would get as many Guideline as we are instructors/Choreographers lol. But a tip when i see a new dance by some choreographer, i do NOT write that you should do this and that or as you wrote wrong level . All choreographers out there i bet they put the level on a dance according to what they see in theire own classes/WS. Then who am i to say they are wrong, and aspecially not in a public forum. If i felt that something where wrong i would sent them an email with my thought´s . Just a matter of manner and behaviour.

Western Mike August 24, 2016
A good beginner dance, taught it this week at my class and has caught on very well. I will be teaching it at another class as a guest teacher.
Don't be put off by the negative comments, some people love to moan.

Micaela August 25, 2016
Thank you very much Western Mike.
I am so pleased to hear that.
Thank you for your support and for teaching my dance.

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