CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
Dan Powers (USA) & Penny Sundman (USA) - August 2016
Parachute - Chris Stapleton
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Begin dance after 32 counts

S1: Rock R Recover Coaster Step, Rock L Recover Coaster Step
1-2Rock forward right, recover onto left foot
3&4Right coaster step
5-6Rock forward left, recover onto right foot
7&8Left coaster step

S2: 2 Count Weave L, Behind, Side, Cross, Rock L ¼ turn R, ½ turning shuffle
1-2Cross right foot over left, step left
3&4Cross right behind left, step left, cross right over left (behind, side, cross)
5-6Rock left foot to side, ¼ turn to right with weight to right foot
7&8½ turning shuffle to right (left, right , left back) **(tag and restart on wall four facing 12:00)

S3: ½ turning shuffle R, ½ turning shuffle right, Rock back R, recover, Shuffle fwd R,L,R
1&2½ turning shuffle to right (right, left, right fwd)
3&4½ turning shuffle to right (left, right, left back)
5-6Rock back on right foot, recover weight on left
7&8Shuffle forward right, left, right

S4: 2 count Jazz box ¼ turn L, side shuffle L, 2 count Weave L, behind, side, cross
1-2Cross left foot over right, step back right with ¼ turn left
3&4Side shuffle to left (left, right, left)
5-6Cross right over left, step left
7&8Cross right behind left, step left, cross right over left (behind, side, cross)

S5: Rock L, recover, behind, side, cross, step R, cross L behind, ¼ R, walk R, L
1-2Rock left, recover weight on right
3&4Cross left behind right, step right, cross left over right
5-6Step right to right, step left behind right
7-8¼ turn step forward right, step forward left

**2 count Tag at the end of first 16 on wall four facing 12:00.
1-2Rock back, Recover,
Then Restart dance from beginning



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