CopperKnob Stepsheets

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That Girl!

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Street / Funky Fundance
Satu Ketellapper (NL) - July 2016
Fifth Harmony – Not That Kinda Girl
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Restart on 8th Wall after 16 counts

[1-8] Step out, touch shoulders, snake roll arms , syncopated vine, rock recover, touch
1&2Step RF out to R side, (1) R hand touch L shoulder, (&) R hand touch R shoulder, (2) R arm out to R side
3-4Snake roll arms from R side to L side
5&6Cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, Cross RF over LF
7&8Rock LF to L side, Recover LF to R side, Touch LF to RF

[9-16] Arm tutting part
12&(1) Step RF out to R side, L arm over R arm, (2) Box Arms, L arm up L hand down, R arm down R hand up, (&) Box Arms, R arm up R hand down, L arm down L hand up
3-4(3) L wrist into R wrist, L hand down touch R arm, R hand turned in 90degrees to L side, touch L hand, (4) straight R arm out to front, R hand turned in 90degrees to L side
5&6(5) Tuck R arm back to L arm, (&) R arm pull across L hand, (6) push hands out to R side
7-8(7) R arm above face, L arm under face, Roll neck from L side to R side, (8) Touch RF to RF

[17-24] kick RF, touch, cross, step out to R side, ¼ turn , Applejack to L side 2x
1&2RF kick fwd, RF step fwd, Touch LF to L side
3-4LF cross over RF, RF step out to R side
5-6Switch weight from L to R, step ¼ turn (3:00)
7&8&Swivel L heel to L , Swivel R toe to L , Swivel L heel to R, Swivel R toe to R 2x

[25-32] Waacking part
1&2(1) LF cross behind RF, L arm in front of face, R arm behind head (&) RF step ¼ turn (6:00), R arm in front of face, L arm behind head, (2) LF step forward, L arm in front of face, R arm behind head
3&4(1) RF kick fwd, Roll arms (&) step on RF, Cross L arm behind R arm (2) LF step fwd, bend knees, extend R arm fwd
5&6(5) RF step out to R side, Roll arms beside body 2x, (6) extend arms to sides (L arm to L side L hand down, R arm to R side R hand up)
7&8(7) Bend R knee, turn R toe in to L side (face & body 3:00), Bring R arm to L arm, (&) Straight RF, turn face & body to 6:00, bring R arm back to R side, (8) touch LF beside RF, bring arms beside body.



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