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Judy McDonald (CAN) - June 2016
Pulse - Melissa Etheridge : (iTunes)
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This is a 32 count 4-wall novice line dance with one Restart. Start after a 32 count intro on the word “got.”

R step forward, L step forward, R triple forward
1 2 3&4Step R forward (1), step L forward (2), step R forward (3), step L beside R (&), step R forward (4)
L rock forward, R recover, ¼ L side triple, R step beside L
5 6 7&8&Rock L forward (5), recover on R (6), make ¼ turn L step side (7), step R beside L (&), step L to side (8), step R beside left (&)

L step side, R cross rock forward, L recover, R side triple
1 2 3 4&5Step L to side (1), rock R across left (2), recover on L (3), step R to side (4), step L to side (&), step R to side (5)
L cross rock forward, R recover, L side triple
6 7 8&1Rock L across right (6), recover on R (7), step L side (8), step R beside left (&), step L side (1)

R rock back, L recover, R triple forward
2 3 4&5Rock R back (2), recover on L (3), step R forward (4), step L beside R (&), step R forward (5)
L rock forward, R recover, ¼ turn L step triple
6 7 8&1Rock L forward (6), recover on R (7), make ¼ turn step L to side (8), step R beside L (&), step L to side (1)

Touch R beside left, R step forward making ¼ left, touch L beside right,
2 3 4Touch R beside left (2), step R forward making ¼ turn left (3), touch L beside right (4)
Sway L, R, L, touch R beside left
5 6 7 8Sway L (5), sway R (6), sway L (7), touch R beside left (8)

Restart The restart happens 16 counts after you start wall 7. You’ll start the dance on the back wall (6 o’clock).
You’ll dance the first 16 counts, your weight will be on your L and you just Restart.
You’ll be facing the 3 o’clock wall when you Restart because you make a ¼ turn L on the first 8 counts.

Optional: When Melissa is singing “hands up if you’re alive” you can raise your right arm in the air.
This is during the second last wall (facing 3 o’clock at 3:52) of the dance.

To finish, you can step on your L on count 1 (last beat of music) and raise your R arm in the air and hold.

This dance is dedicated to the victims at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and all those touched by this horrific event…which should be everyone in the entire world.


Last Update - 5th July 2016


Pismo June 30, 2016
Thank you, Judy, for finding this song so quickly and for writing this dance. I hope we all listen to the lyrics and learn from them.

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