CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bailando (No Stress)

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Michael O'Shea (IRE) - June 2016
#32 count Intro

Mambo Fwd & Back Rock 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, Rock & Back & Back
1&2&Rock right foot fwd, replace weight to left, step back right, close left to right (&)
3&4rock back right, replace weight to left, turn 1/2 turn left stepping back onto right foot
5turning 1/2 turn left step forward left
6&rock fwd right, replace weight to left
7&8step back right, close left to right, step back right (6:00)

Coaster Cross, Side Rock Cross, Side Rock, Cross, Back, Side, Touch, Side
1&2step back left, close right to left, step left across right
3&4rock right to right side, replace weight to left, cross right over left
5&rock left to left diagonal, replace weight to right
6&7cross left over right, step back right, step left to left side
&8touch right beside left, step right to right side

Back Rock, Side, Back, Rock, 1/4 Turn, Pivot Full Turn, 1/4 Side, Cross &
1-2&rock back left, replace weight to right, step left to left side
3-4&rock back right, replace weight to left, step right 1/4 turn right
5&6step fwd left, pivot 1/2 turn right, step left back 1/2 turn right (completes a full turn)
7step right 1/4 turn right to right side
8&cross left over right, step right to right side

Cross, Side, Chasse 1/4 Turn, Kick Ball Side Rock, Step & Clap
1-2cross left over right, step right to right side
3&4turning 1/4 turn left – chasse left, right, left
5&6&kick right foot fwd, replace weight to right, rock left to left side, replace weight to right
7&8Step fwd left, HOLD double clap
Styling Note: Claps are Spanish style, clapping hand palms at right ear height.

Bailando & Enjoy!

TAG wall 5 (Home wall 12:00)
Dance up to count 4 of section 2 & add the following - chasses with clicks:
5&6step left to left, close right to left, step left to left side
7&8&step right to right, close left to right, step right to right, close left to right

Styling Note: Click fingers Spanish style on each count of 5&6 - 7&8
Raise right arm in front of left as you drop left arm down on the clicks 5&6
drop right arm & raise left arm in front of right on clicks 7&8
Head turns to the left on 5&6, turn head to right on 7&8. Have fun with it & give it some attitude!
Released at Dance Crazy's Summer Sizzler Event. -


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