Intro: 16 counts
[1-8] Walks x2, Rock recover, back touch, forward brush
1-2Step RF fwd, step LF fwd
3-4Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF
5-6Step RF back, touch LF beside RF
7-8Step LF fwd, brush RF over LF
[9-16] Jazz box, out-out, clap, in-in, clap
1-2Step RF over LF, step LF back
3-4Step RF to R side, step LF beside RF
&5-6Step RF to R side, step LF to L side, hold & clap
&7-6Step RF to center, step LF beside RF, hold & clap *restart here on wall 5 facing 12:00
[17-24] Grapevine R, Grapevine L 1/4 turn, brush (Alternative: rolling vines in 1 or both directions)
1-2Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to R side, touch LF beside RF
5-6Step LF to L side, step RF behind LF
7-8Making ¼ turn L, step LF fwd, brush RF fwd
[25-32] Rocking chair, Hip bump fwd x2
1-2Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF
3-4Rock RF back, recover weight onto LF
5-6Press RF fwd as you bump you hip fwd, step RF fwd
7-8Press LF fwd as you bump you hip fwd, step LF fwd
Please feel free to use alternate music but do not alter the step sheet without notifying the choreographer first.
[1-8] Walks x2, Rock recover, back touch, forward brush
1-2Step RF fwd, step LF fwd
3-4Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF
5-6Step RF back, touch LF beside RF
7-8Step LF fwd, brush RF over LF
[9-16] Jazz box, out-out, clap, in-in, clap
1-2Step RF over LF, step LF back
3-4Step RF to R side, step LF beside RF
&5-6Step RF to R side, step LF to L side, hold & clap
&7-6Step RF to center, step LF beside RF, hold & clap *restart here on wall 5 facing 12:00
[17-24] Grapevine R, Grapevine L 1/4 turn, brush (Alternative: rolling vines in 1 or both directions)
1-2Step RF to R side, step LF behind RF
3-4Step RF to R side, touch LF beside RF
5-6Step LF to L side, step RF behind LF
7-8Making ¼ turn L, step LF fwd, brush RF fwd
[25-32] Rocking chair, Hip bump fwd x2
1-2Rock RF fwd, recover weight onto LF
3-4Rock RF back, recover weight onto LF
5-6Press RF fwd as you bump you hip fwd, step RF fwd
7-8Press LF fwd as you bump you hip fwd, step LF fwd
Please feel free to use alternate music but do not alter the step sheet without notifying the choreographer first.