CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Here I Go

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Low Intermediate
Chris Watson (AUS) - May 2016
Go Ahead and Break My Heart (feat. Gwen Stefani) - Blake Shelton : (Album: If I'm Honest)
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#16 Count intro

Side Together, Side Shuffle ¼ , Pivot ½ , ½ Turn Shuffle Back
1,2,3&4Step R to R side, drag L together with R and take weight onto L, Step R to R side, step L together with R , ¼ turn to R stepping forward onto R
6,5,7&8Step foot forward pivoting ½ turn right taking weight onto R, make ½ turn R and step back onto L, Bring R together and step back onto L (3 O clock)

Rock Replace, Botofogo, Cross ,1/4 Step, Back Lock Step
1,2,3&4Rock step back onto R, replace weight onto L , Step r forward across in front of L , step rock out L to L side and step weight onto R together
5,6,7&8Cross step L over R, ¼ Turn L stepping back onto R, Step L foot back, lock R over L and step L foot back (12 O’ Clock)

Rock, Replace, Kick Ball Change, Rock Replace, Coaster Step.
1,2,3&4Rock back onto R, forward onto L, Kick R foot forward , step R foot into place and step L foot into place.*
5,6,7&8Rock forward onto R, back onto L, Step L foot back, Step R foot back together with L and step r foot forward.

½ Pivot, ¼ Pivot, Front Side, Behind , Side, Cross
1,2,3,4Step L foot forward ½ turn pivot R, Step L foot forward ¼ turn pivot R (9 O clock)
5,6,7&8Cross L over R, step R to R Side , Step L behind R, Step R to R side, and cross L over R

Side Rock, Cross Shuffle, ¼ Sweep Back, Coaster Step
1,2,3&4Rock R to R side, replace weight onto L , Cross R over L, L to L side and cross R over L
5,6,7&8¼ Turn R, stepping L foot back sweeping R toe from front to back stepping back onto R on count 6, Step L foot back, step R foot back and step L foot forward. (12 O Clock)

Rock Forward , ¼ Rock Side, ¼ Rock Forward, ¼ Rock Side, Replace (Modified rocking chair)
1,2,3,4Rock R foot Forward, Replace weight onto L, ¼ turn R step rocking R out to R side , , ¼ Turn L rocking weight forward back onto L
5,6,7,8Rock R foot Forward, Replace weight onto L, ¼ turn R step rocking R out to R side , Rock weight to L (3 O Clock)

Behind, Side , Cross, Rock Replace, Coaster Step, ½ Pivot
1&2,3,4Step R behind L, L to L side, cross R over L , Rock L to L side and replace weight to R
5&6,7,8Step L foot back, Step R together with L and step forward onto L, Step R foot forward pivot ½ Turn L taking weight onto L *

Step Drag, Step Drag, ¼ Pivot , Cross , Step Back.
1,2,3,4Step R forward drag L towards R, Step L forward drag R towards L
5,6,7,8Step R foot forward ¼ Turn Pivot (6 O Clock) weight onto L, Cross R over L and step L foot back.

[64] Counts Re Start Dance at 6 O Clock Wall

Restarts: Wall 2 & 5 dance to count 20 and Restart dance
Restart: Wall 7 dance to count 56 and Restart dance at 3 O clock Wall

Tag: At the end of wall 3, Add in 8 Count figure of eight. Step R to R Side, Step L behind R, ¼ turn R stepping R to R side , Step L foot forward pivot ½ turn R , ¼ turn L stepping L to L side , Step R behind L and step L to L side pushing L hip to L side. Start again 12 O Clock wall.

Contact: - 0404 170 276 -

Last Update – 9th June 2016


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