CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ole Jacobson (DE) & Nina K. (DE) - May 2016
Miracle - Julian Perretta : (Single)
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Use with the singing!

Walk, walk, shuffle fwd, rock recover, shuffle back,
1,2RF step forward - LF step forward
3 & 4RF step forward - LF to Step right - RF step forward
5,6LF step forward - recover onto right
7 & 8Step left back - step right beside left - step left back

Rock back, rock step, 1 / 4turn L, Chassee
1-2Step back - weight on left
&Step right beside left
3,4Step back - forward on Right
5,6LF step forward - recover onto right
7 & 81/4 L-rotation, step LF L - set RF to LF zoom - LF step L

Cross, back, slide, chasse, rock back, recover
1, 2,right over left cross - LF small step back
3.4RF big step R - zoom set LF to RF
5 & 6RF step by R Step R to R
7.8LF step back - forward on Right

Kick ball cross, heel grind ¼ L, ¼ turn L sailor
1 & 2LF kick forward - left beside right - cross right over left
3 & 4LF kick forward - left beside right - cross right over left
5.6L Heel L Put - ¼ L-rotation - Step back
7 & 8put ¼ L-rotation, LF in a great behind RF - RF step to R - LF step forward
(Finish) at the end of the Counts 7 & 8 dance as Sailor-Turn ¾ L, dance ends with Stomp and Pose (12: 00)

.. and smile

TAG1: At the end of the dance 2.Wand following additional 4 Counts (6: 00)
Step, touch (2x) (Funky)
1,2Step R to R - left beside right, tap (upper body swing)
3,4Step L to L - right next to left, tap (upper body swing)

TAG2: At the end of the addition 4.Wand dance following 16 counts (12: 00)
Step, touch (4x) (Funky)
1,2Step R to R - left beside right, tap (upper body swing)
3,4Step L to L - right next to left, tap (upper body swing)
Repeat 5-8 Counts 1-4, at the end weight on RF

Paddle turn R, Charleston
1 &Step forward - ¼ R-Turn On (weight RF)
2 &Step forward - ¼ R-Turn On (weight RF)
3 &Step forward - ¼ R-Turn On (weight RF)
4 &Step forward - ¼ R-Turn On (weight LF)
5.6RF front on tap - Step back
7,8Step back - Step forward (weight on LF)



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