CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just Feel Like Dancing

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Phrased Intermediate
Jonno Liberman (USA) - May 2016
CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! - Justin Timberlake : (Original Song From DreamWorks Animation's Trolls)
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Phrasing: A-A-A-B-1/2B-A A-A-B-B-B-Tag-B-B-B
The dance will end halfway through the last B section.

Dance begins after 16 counts.

SECTION A – 32 Counts
A[1-8] Step w/Sweep, Cross Side Back, Hitch, Behind Side Forward, Pivot, Kick (6:00)
1, 2&Step R forward as you sweep L to front, Cross L over R, Step R to right
3, 4Cross L behind R, Hitch R
5&6Cross R behind L, Step L to left, Step R forward
7, 8Pivot 1/2 turn left finishing with weight on R (6:00), Kick L to left diagonal

A[9-16] Sailor Step, Weave, Side, Cross Back, Full Unwind (6:00)
1&2Step L back, Step R to right, Step L slightly forward
3&4Cross R behind L, Step L to left, Cross R over L
&5, 6Step L to left, Cross R behind L, Hold
7-8Unwind a full turn right finishing with weight on R

A[17-24] Side Rock Recover, 1/4 Weave, Step Hold, Ball Step, Touch (3:00)
1, 2Step L to left, Recover weight onto R
3&4Cross L behind R, Make a 1/4 turn right as you step R forward (3:00), Step L forward
5-6Step R forward, Hold
&7, 8Step L next to R, Step R forward, Touch L toe next to R toe

A[25-32] Cross, Side Back Cross x2, Coaster Step, Step (3:00)
1, 2&Cross L over R, Step R to right, Step L back
3, 4&Cross R over L, Step L to left, Step R back
5, 6&Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L next to R
7, 8Step R forward, Step L forward

SECTION B – 32 Counts
B[1-8] Turn x2, Side Rock Cross, Side Step, Booty Shake, Hitch (12:00)
1, 2Make a 1/2 turn left as you step R back, Make a 1/2 turn left as you step L forward
&3, 4Step R to right, Recover weight onto L, Cross R over L
Counts 5-8: Slowly shift weight further left with each bump.
5&Step L to left with weight on both feet as you bump hips left, Recover hips toward center
6&7&Bump hips left, Recover hips toward center, Bump hips left, Recover hips toward center
8Hitch R

B[9-16] Ball Cross, Side Step, 1/2 Sailor Step, Touch Out, Step, Touch Out, Step (6:00)
&1, 2Step R next to L, Cross L over R, Step R to right
3&4Make a 1/4 turn left as you step L back (9:00), Step R next to L, Make a 1/4 turn left as you step L forward (6:00)
5, 6Touch R toe slightly forward on diagonal, Step R further out onto diagonal
7, 8Touch L toe slightly forward on diagonal, Step L further out onto diagonal

B[17-24] Box Step, Skate x4 (4:30)
1, 2Cross R over L, Step L back
3, 4Step R to right, Step L forward
5, 6Step R toward right diagonal (7:30), Step L toward left diagonal (4:30)
7, 8Step R toward right diagonal (7:30), Step L toward left diagonal (4:30)

B[25-32] Rock Recover Back, Coaster Step, Walk Around (9:00)
Counts 1-4 are on the diagonal (4:30)
1&2Step R forward, Recover weight onto L, Step R back
3&4Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L forward (4:30)
Counts 5-8 start at 4:30 and circle around left to finish at 9:00
Feel free to add styling; skips, knee pops, etc.
5, 6Step R forward, Step L forward
7, 8Step R forward, Step L forward (9:00)
RESTART: Dance the first 16 counts of wall 5, Section B, and then begin again with Section A

TAG: Dance the tag at the end of wall 11
[1-4] 1/4 Step x4
1, 2Make a 1/4 turn left as you step R to right, Make a 1/4 turn left as you step L to left
3, 4Make a 1/4 turn left as you step R to right, Make a 1/4 turn left as you step L to left

Dance Your Yaaas Off

Last Update: 6 Oct 2023


Jessica πŸ­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ June 6, 2016

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