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Lovely Loreley

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Low Intermediate
Charlotte Steele (SA) - May 2016
Loreley - Blackmore's Night : (Album: Ghost of a Rose - 3:31)
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The dance tells the tale of the lovely Loreley (Lorelei), a Mermaid Siren who bewitched sailors with her beautiful singing, luring them to their death.
Styling: You are the sailor bewitched by Loreley so show lots of attitude! Keep your arms by your side during the Intro dance, then clasp behind your back at the start of the main dance, keeping them there until the salute at the end.
Don’t be put off by the Tags and Restarts - once you have heard the music a few times, it will tell you where they are.
The music slows near the end, pace your steps for a nice finish.

PART A: INTRO DANCE (36 counts): This part is danced once only.
Start immediately after the 2nd chime (‘ship’s bell’)
A[1-36] Syncopated Rumba Box Fwd; ¼ Turn L Sync Rumba Box x3; ¼ Turn L Shuffle Fwd; Stomp RL
1&2Step forward on L, Step R beside L, Step L forward (facing 12:00)
3 4Step R to right side, Step L beside R
5&6Step back on R, Step L beside R, Step R back
7 8Step L to left side, Step R beside L

9&10Turn 1/4 L stepping forward on L, Step R beside L, Step L forward (9:00)
11 12Step R to right side, Step L beside R
13&14Step back on R, Step L beside R, step R back
15 16Step L to left side, Step R beside L

17-24Repeat counts 9-16 (6:00)

25-32Repeat counts 9-16 (3:00)

33&34Turn 1/4 left stepping forward on L, Step R beside L, Step L forward (12:00)
35 36Stomp R beside L, Stomp L beside R (give a snappy R arm salute here if you want!)

PART B: MAIN DANCE (32 counts): Start on vocals at count 37, facing 12:00
S.B1: Diagonal Step-Lock-Step x2: R L, Step Pivot ½ left, Shuffle Fwd RLR
1&2Step R forward to right diagonal, Step L behind R, Step R forward (with attitude!)
3&4Turn to face left diagonal and step forward on L, Step R behind L, Step L forward
5 6Turn to face front and step R forward, Pivot ½ turn left (weight on L) (6:00)
7&8Step forward on R, Step L beside R, Step R forward (weight on R)

S.B2: Chasse Left, Chasse Right w/ ¼ Turn Right, L Rock Fwd-Recover, L Coaster Step
1&2Step L to left side, Step R beside L, Step L to left side (weight on L)
3&4Step R to right, Step L beside R, Turn ¼ right and step forward on R (weight on R) (9:00)
5 6Rock forward on L, Recover on R
7&8Step L back, Step R beside L, Step L forward (weight on L)
Restart here on Wall 2 and Wall 5

S.B3: Syncopated Heel Switches RL, Sync Toe Switches RL, L Sailor Step, R Sailor Step
1&2&Touch R heel forward, Step R beside L, Touch L heel forward, Step L beside R
3&4Touch R out to right side, Step R beside L, Touch L out to left side
5&6Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Step L to left side (weight on L)
7&8Step R behind L, Step L to left side, Step R to right side (weight on R)

S.B4: L Side Rock-Recover, L Behind-Side-Cross, ½ Turn L Shuffle Back, L Coaster Cross
1 2Rock L to left side, Recover on R (weight on R)
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to right side, Cross L over R
5&6Turn ½ left stepping back on R, Step L beside R, Step R back (weight on R) (3:00)
7&8Step L back, Step R beside L, Cross L over R (weight on L)

Tags: At the end of Wall 3, 6, 8*, 9: R Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Rock fwd on R, Recover on L, Rock back on R, Recover on L with a light stomp
(*Wall 8 only = 8 count tag = R Rocking Chair x2)

Restarts: On Walls 2 and 5 after count 16

Ending: Dance finishes at end of vocals on Wall 11 count 32 facing 9:00, after which there is a 4 count pause followed by a 4 count musical bridge. To end facing 12:00 – on the musical bridge:
Step L fwd, turn 1/4 R and stomp R in place, stomp L beside R, stomp R beside L with R arm salute

This dance is dedicated to Tracey Wild and Yvonne Combrinck – and to my “partner-in-line” Bobbey Willson

Submitted by Bobbey Willson -


WillB May 15, 2016
I am proud to be your first "5" - this is a really, really great dance - its hard to believe you weren't going to post it - I see a favorite on the horizon!! Great as a line dance and as a performance piece.

Cuchulain May 16, 2016
Oh Charly, thank you! Yvonne was so touched when I showed her your original step sheet and now you've included me too! HUGS!

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