CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Ain't That Good

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Improver / Intermediate
Kristal Lynn Konzen (USA) - May 2016
Ain't That Good - Hannah Rose
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Hold first two 8 - counts. Begin dance when Hannah begins singing. Weight begins on L foot.

Section 1: Side Rock Cross, ¼ Turn Right Rock, 2 Walks, Forward Mambo
1&2Step out to side on R foot, recover weight to step onto L foot, R foot crosses over L
3&4Step out to Left side on L foot, ¼ turn onto R foot recover (3:00), step forward on L foot
5,6Step forward R, Step forward L
7&8Mambo step forward onto R foot, Recover back onto L, Step R foot together
**Tag begins here on Wall 7**

Section 2: Backward Mambo, Kick Ball Point, Hip Roll Weight Change Forward and Back, Syncopated Vine
1&2Step back onto L foot, recover weight forward on R, step L foot together
3&4Kick R foot, bring R foot to close, transfer weight to R foot, point L foot out to side
5,6Roll hips and transfer weight forward onto L foot to face beginning wall (12: 00), rock back with hip roll back to transfer weight to R foot
7&8&Step L to side, R crosses over L, L steps side, R steps behind L

Section 3: Slide touch, 1 ¼ Right Turn, Left Coaster, ¼ Step Left, Right Foot Touch
1,2Slide onto L foot, R drags in to touch next to L foot
3&4Full 1 ¼ Right turn (R-L-R) to side wall (3:00)
5&6Step forward onto L foot, R foot steps in to meet L, step back onto L foot
7&8Step R backwards, Step Left turning ¼ turn as L foot steps to side (12:00), R touches in to meet L

Section 4: Scuff to Step Out, Step Out, Backwards Right Coaster, Step Out, Step Out, ½ Turn Sailor
1,2Scuff right foot to step out onto R foot, step out onto L foot
3&4Step back onto R foot, step L next to R, step forward onto R foot
5,6Step out onto L foot, step out onto R foot
7&8Step behind on L while turning ½ turn Left and step out to the side onto R foot, step L side (6:00)

*** ONE TAG W/RESTART ON WALL 7. Begins after Section 1 on wall 7 and ends facing wall 8 (6:00). Restart after Tag ends***

Tag (repeats twice): Two Diagonal Lock Steps, Forward lock Step, Step Pivot Chase Turn – Begins facing 3:00 and ends facing 6:00
1,&2Step diagonal forward onto R foot, L steps behind R foot, R foot steps diagonal forward
3&4Step diagonal forward onto L foot, R steps behind L foot, L foot steps diagonal forward
5&6Step forward onto R foot, L steps directly behind R foot, R foot steps forward (9:00)
7&8L foot steps forward, ½ turn R to step onto R foot (6:00), step forward onto L foot

** Please do not alter this stepsheet in any way, unless granted specific permission by choreographer. Music by Hannah Rose. Music will be available on iTunes this month. ** |
Kristal Lynn Konzen | Direct: (805) 558-1550 | Email:


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