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El Taxi Line Dance

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Vicky St. Pierre (CAN) - March 2016
Intro: 20 counts (approx. 12 seconds) - Duration: 3:48.
Phrased dance – ABC ABC ACA

A – 60 counts
& 1&) Hitch R knee, 1) Plant R to right side - Style: Hold left fist forward (Nae Nae move) [12:00]
& 2&) Roll hips counter-clock wise 2) Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side
& 3&) Roll hips counter-clock wise 3) Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side
& 4&) Roll hips counter-clock wise 4) Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [6:00]
5-65-6) 1/8 turn right Rolling hips from left to right
7-87-8) Hip roll from right to left

& 1&) Hitch R knee, 1) Plant R to right side- Style: Hold left fist forward (Nae Nae move) [6:00]
& 2&) Roll hips counter-clock wise 2) Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side
& 3&) Roll hips counter-clock wise 3) Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side
& 4&) Roll hips counter-clock wise 4) Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side [12:00]
5-65-6) 1/8 turn right Rolling hips from left to right
7-87-8) Roll hips from right to left

A[17-24] Step R, Cross L, Step R, Cross L, Step R, Point-Step L, Point-Step R, ½ left sweep R, Behind-Side LR
1 2&1) Step R to right 2) Cross L behind, &) Step R to right side
3&4&3) Cross L over right, &) Step R together, 4) Point L to left, &) Step L together
5&6&5) Point R to right, &) Step R together, 6) Point L to left &) Turn ¼ left stepping L fwd [9:00]
7 8&7) ¼ left stepping R to side and sweeping L behind 8) Step L behind right, &) Step R to side [6:00]

A[25-32] Cross L, Step R, C Bump to right, ¼ Step L, Kick R, ¼ Step R, Step L, Hop to right x2
1 21) Cross L over right , 2) Step R to right side
3&4&3) Bumb L hip up, &) Bump R, 4) Bump L hip down, &) Bump R
5 6 &5) ¼ left stepping L fwd [3:00], 6) Kick R fwd, &) ¼ left stepping R to right side [12:00]
7&87) Step L together, &) Hop both feet to right, 8) Hop both feet to right

A: [33-60] Mambos & Savoys (or Charleston as an alternative) with ½ turn

Mambos 4 count (33-36)
1 & 21) Step R to right, &) Step L in place, 2) Step R together
3 & 43) Step L to left, &) Step R in place, 4) Step L together

A: Savoys 8 count (37-44)
55) Big kick R fwd, (not above waist) bouncing slightly on L foot
6 &6) Kick R back (continue bouncing on L with beat), &) Step R back
7&8&7) Step L back, &) Step R next to left, 8) Step L forward, &) Turn ¼ left hopping on L [9:00]
11) Big kick R fwd (not above waist),
2 &2) Turn ¼ left kicking R back (continue bouncing on L w/ beat), &) Step R back [6:00]
3&43) Step L back, &) Step R next to left, 4) Step L forward,

A: Mambos 8 count (45-52)
5 & 65) Step R to right, &) Step L in place, 6) Step R together
7 & 87) Step L to left, &) Step R in place, 8) Step L together
1 & 21) Step R Fwd, &) Step L in place, 2) Step R together
3 & 43) Step L back, &) Step R in place, 4) Step L together

A: Savoys 8 count (53-60)
55) Big kick R fwd, (not above waist) bouncing slightly on L foot
6 &6) Kick R back (continue bouncing on L with beat), &) Step R back
7&8&7) Step L back, &) Step R next to left, 8) Step L forward, &) Turn ¼ left hopping on L [3:00]
11) Big kick R fwd (not above waist),
2 &2) Turn ¼ left kicking R back (continue bouncing on L w/ beat), &) Step R back [12:00]
3&43) Step L back, &) Step R next to left, 4) Step L forward,

B – 48 counts
1&2&1) Step R fwd, &) Step L slightly behind R, 2) Step R fwd, &) Step L slightly behind
3&43) Step R fwd, &) Step L slightly behind R, 4) Step R fwd
5 65) Rock L forward, 6) ¼ left stepping back on R [9:00]
7 87) ¼ left stepping L fwd, 8) ¼ left stepping R to side [3:00]

B[9-16] R Sailor, L Sailor, R Twist, L Twist
1 &21) Step L behind R, &) Step R together, 2) Step L to left
3 & 43) Step R behind L, &) Step L together, 4) Step R to right
5 & 65) Touch L toe fwd, &) Twist hips left, 6) Step forward on L
7 & 87) Touch R toe fwd, &) Twist hips right, 8) Step forward on R

B[17-24] Pivot ½ LR, Shuffle LRL, Pivot ½ RL, Shuffle ¼ RLR
1 21) Step L forward, 2) ½ right stepping fwd on R [6:00]
3 & 43) Step L fwd, &) Step R together, 4) Step L fwd
5 65) Step R fwd, 6) ½ left stepping fwd on L [3:00]
7 & 87) ¼ right stepping R to right side, &) Step L together, 8) Step R to right side [12:00]

B[25-32] Pivot ½ right LR, Shuffle fwd LRL, Pivot ½ left RL, Shuffle fwd RLR
1 21) Step L forward, 2) ½ right stepping fwd on R [6:00]
3 & 43) Step L fwd, &) Step R together, 4) Step L fwd
5 65) Step R fwd, 6) ½ left stepping fwd on L [12:00]
7 & 87) Step R forward, &) Step L together, 8) Step R forward

B[33-40] Touch w/ Hip bump and Step L-R-L, Step R, Touch L, Step Touch back LRL ¼ right Step R L
1 &1) Touch L toe fwd with left hip bumb, &) Step L forward
2 &2) Touch R toe fwd with right hip bump, &) Step R forward
3 &3) Touch L toe fwd with left hip bumb, &) Step L forward
4 &4) Step R fwd, &) Touch L together
5 &5) Big step back on L, &) Touch R next to left
6 &6) Big step back on R, &) Touch L next to right
7 &7) Big step back on L, &) ¼ right touching R next to left [3:00]
8 &8) Step R to side, &) Step L together

B[41-48] 2 big hip rolls, ¼ right R Jazz Box
1 2 &1) Step R to right with big hip roll to right, 2) Step L together, &) Step R in place
3 4 &3) Step L to left with big hip roll to left, 4) Step R together, &) Step L in place
5 65) Cross R over left, 6) Step L back
7 87) ¼ right stepping R to right side, 8) Step L together [6:00]

C – 16 counts
1 21) Step R to right - Style: Snake upper body to right, 2) Touch L together
3 43) Step L to left - Style: Snake upper body to left, 4) Touch R together
5&6&5) Step R to right, &) Touch L together, 6) Step L to left, &) Touch R together
7&8&7) Step R to right, &) Touch L together, 8) Step L to left, &) Step R together

1 21) Step L to left - Style: Snake upper body to right, 2) Touch R together
3 43) Step R to right - Style: Snake upper body to right, 4) Touch L together
5&6&5) Step L to left, &) Touch R together, 6) Step R to right, &) Touch L together
7&8&7) Step L to left, &) Step R together, 8) Step L to left, &) Hitch R knee


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