Start on vocals
Section 1: Diagonal cross rock, shuffle back, rock back. Shuffle forward
1-2Left rock forward, recover
3&4Back left, back right, back left, right beside left
5-6Right rock back, recover
7&8Right forward, left beside, right forward,
Section 2: Diagonal back rock, shuffle forward, rock forward, shuffle back
1- 21/8 turn left, rock back left, recover
3&4Forward left, right forward, left forward, right beside
5-6Cross rock, right forward recover,
7&8Right back, left back, right back beside left,
Section 3: Step forward ½ turn hook, shuffle forward, left rock shuffle full turn
1-21/8 turn right to straighten up,
3&4Step left forward, turn ½ right, hook right in front of left, right forward, left forward, right forward
5-6Left rock forward, recover
7&8Turn left, step right, step left making one full turn over left shoulder.
Section 4: Right rock, chasse ¼ turn, cross side sailor
1-2Right rock forward, recover
3&4Turn right ¼, right, left, right,
5-6Left cross over right, right to right side,
7&8Left behind right, right to right side, left to left side,
Section 5: Sailor ¼ turn right, step touch, shuffle back, step hook
1-2Step right behind left making ¼ turn right, step left to left side, step right to right side.
3&4Left forward touch, right beside left
5-6right back, left back, right back, left back
7&8hook right in front of left
Section 6: Shuffle forward Right, side rock, sailor step, sailor ¼ turn
1&2Right forward, left, right forward
3-4Left side, rock to left side, recover
5&6Left behind right, right to right side, step to left side
7-8Right to right side making ¼ turn right, left behind right, step right, step left
Section 7: Heel, toe, ¼ turn, Heel, toe, step and sweep ¼, cross shuffle
1&2Left heel forward, replace, right toe forward, replace
&3&4Turn ¼ left, left heel forward, replace, right toe forward, replace
5-6Step left, turn ¼ sweep, right foot forward across left
7&8Step left, cross right over left, step left, cross right over left
Section 8: Step touch, step touch, rock and cross, step pivot ¼ step.
1-2Step left, touch right beside
3-4Step left, touch right beside
5&6Left side rock, cross left over right
7&8Step right making ¼ turn left, step left beside right
There Are No Restarts Or Tags In This Dance
Hope you enjoy this dance
Happy Dancing !!!
Section 1: Diagonal cross rock, shuffle back, rock back. Shuffle forward
1-2Left rock forward, recover
3&4Back left, back right, back left, right beside left
5-6Right rock back, recover
7&8Right forward, left beside, right forward,
Section 2: Diagonal back rock, shuffle forward, rock forward, shuffle back
1- 21/8 turn left, rock back left, recover
3&4Forward left, right forward, left forward, right beside
5-6Cross rock, right forward recover,
7&8Right back, left back, right back beside left,
Section 3: Step forward ½ turn hook, shuffle forward, left rock shuffle full turn
1-21/8 turn right to straighten up,
3&4Step left forward, turn ½ right, hook right in front of left, right forward, left forward, right forward
5-6Left rock forward, recover
7&8Turn left, step right, step left making one full turn over left shoulder.
Section 4: Right rock, chasse ¼ turn, cross side sailor
1-2Right rock forward, recover
3&4Turn right ¼, right, left, right,
5-6Left cross over right, right to right side,
7&8Left behind right, right to right side, left to left side,
Section 5: Sailor ¼ turn right, step touch, shuffle back, step hook
1-2Step right behind left making ¼ turn right, step left to left side, step right to right side.
3&4Left forward touch, right beside left
5-6right back, left back, right back, left back
7&8hook right in front of left
Section 6: Shuffle forward Right, side rock, sailor step, sailor ¼ turn
1&2Right forward, left, right forward
3-4Left side, rock to left side, recover
5&6Left behind right, right to right side, step to left side
7-8Right to right side making ¼ turn right, left behind right, step right, step left
Section 7: Heel, toe, ¼ turn, Heel, toe, step and sweep ¼, cross shuffle
1&2Left heel forward, replace, right toe forward, replace
&3&4Turn ¼ left, left heel forward, replace, right toe forward, replace
5-6Step left, turn ¼ sweep, right foot forward across left
7&8Step left, cross right over left, step left, cross right over left
Section 8: Step touch, step touch, rock and cross, step pivot ¼ step.
1-2Step left, touch right beside
3-4Step left, touch right beside
5&6Left side rock, cross left over right
7&8Step right making ¼ turn left, step left beside right
There Are No Restarts Or Tags In This Dance
Hope you enjoy this dance
Happy Dancing !!!