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Peter Pan (aka Neverland)

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Intermediate - Mixed Rhythm
Heather Rowe (AUS) - April 2016
Peter Pan - Kelsea Ballerini : (Album: The First Time)
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Intro : 32 counts (Start dancing on lyrics) Weight on left foot.

Right step lock scuff, left step lock scuff.
1 - 4Step forward on right, lock left behind right, step right forward, scuff left,
5 - 8Step left forward, lock right behind left, step left forward, scuff right.

Rock forward back 1/2 turn hold, full travelling turn hold.
9 - 12Rock forward on right, back onto left, pivot 1/2 turn right step right foot forward, hold.
13 - 16travel forward a full turn clockwise stepping right, forward, left back, then right forward, hold.

Mambo forward, hold, and mambo Back, hold.
17 - 20Rock right forward then back on left, step right beside left, hold,
21 - 24Rock left back then right forward, step left beside right, hold.

Step, 1/4 turn, cross, hold, side rock, recover, cross, hold.
24 - 28Step right forward, pivot 1/4 turn left, cross right over left, hold,
29 - 32Rock onto left foot, recover to right, cross left over right, hold.
(Restart here on wall 5)

Side, behind, 1/4 turn, hold, step 1/2 turn, step, hold.
33 - 36Step right to right side, step left behind right, step right to right side with 1/4 turn right, hold,
37 - 40Step left forward pivoting 1/2 turn left, pivoting on right foot, step left forward, hold.
(Restart here on wall 2 & 7)

Step, 1/4 turn, cross, side, behind, step, 1/4 turn, 1/4 turn.
41 - 44Step right forward making a 1/4 turn left (weight on left), cross right in front of left, step left to left side,
45 - 48Cross right behind left, step left to side with a 1/4 turn left, step right forward pivoting on left foot (weight on left foot).
(Restart here on walls 1 and 4)

Cross rock, recover, side rock, recover, sailor step, hold.
49 - 52Cross rock right across left, recover to left, rock right to right side, recover to left
53 - 56Step right behind left, step left to left side, step right to right side, hold.

Behind, side, cross and heel and touch, hold.
57 - 60Step left behind right, step right to right side, cross left over right, step onto right
61 - 64Touch left heel forward at 45 degree, step left together, touch right beside left, hold.

Tag. (Done only at end of wall 6) Facing [3:00]
Two Military half turns, hips.
1 - 8step right foot forward, pivot 1/2 turn left, step right foot forward, pivot 1/2 turn left
9 - 16sway hips right, left, right, left.

Restart on:-
wall 1 at count 48, facing 3 o’clock
wall 2 at count 40, facing 3 o’clock
wall 4 at count 48, facing 9 o’clock
wall 5 at count 32, facing 12 o’clock
and wall 7 at count 40, facing 3 o’clock

(Restarts are easy to pick once you are familiar with the music and are easy restarts to do)

Finish on wall 9 at end of count 36 facing the front wall

I first heard this song on our solar powered radio whilst out on our remote property in Goulburn NSW with my hubby and five children.
Our property is our "Neverland", a place we never want to leave, a place trapped in the past, somewhere you never have to grow up.... I hope you enjoy doing this dance as much as i enjoyed making it.



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