CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Solo Amor

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Easy Intermediate
Rob Fowler (ES), Vivienne Scott (CAN), J.P. Madge & Fred Buckley (CAN) - April 2016
Solo Quiero Amarte - Vela : (amazon and iTunes)
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Part A: 32 counts (4 walls) Part B: 16 counts on 6 o’clock and 12 o’clock walls only
Repeat Part B: Second time facing 12 o'clock (rap sequence)
Sequence: AAB x3 AABB AAB A(16)

Intro: 32 counts

A1. Walk, Walk, Shuffle Forward, Forward Rock, Shuffle 3/4 Turn
1-2Walk forward right, left (Styling: Slightly cross right over left, left over right)
3&4Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right
5-6Rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
7&8Shuffle 3/4 turn left stepping left-right-left.

A2. Side, Hold, Ball Cross, Side, Back Rock, Side, Behind, Sweep
1-2Step right to right side. Hold.
&3-4Step left beside right. Cross right over left. Step left to left side.
5-6Rock back on right. Recover onto left.
7-8Step right to right side. Cross left behind right lifting right into a sweep out and around left.

A3. Behind, 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Forward, Forward Rock, 1/4 Turn, Double Clap
1-2Cross right behind left. Turn 1/4 left and step forward on left.
3&4Shuffle forward stepping right-left-right
5-6Rock forward on left. Recover onto right.
7&8Turn 1/4 left and step left to left side. Double clap.

A4. Touch, Hold, & Touch, & Touch, & Touch, Hold, & Touch, & Touch, Together (This section travels back)
Styling for this section: Bend knees with touches.
1-2Touch right toe forward. Hold with finger snaps.
&3&4Step slightly back on right. Touch left toe forward. Step slightly back on left. Touch right forward.
&5-6Step slightly back on right. Touch left toe forward. Hold with finger snaps.
&7&8Step slightly back on left. Touch right toe forward. Step slightly back on right. Touch left toe forward.
&Step left beside right

B1. Rock Forward, Coaster Step (or Full Triple), Side Rock, Cross Shuffle
1-2Rock forward on right. Recover onto left.
3&4Step back on right. Step left beside right. Step forward on right. (Alt: Full Triple Turn right)
5-6Rock left to left side. Recover onto right.
7&8Cross left over right. Step right to right side. Cross left over right.

B2. Side Rock, Behind-Side-Cross, Out, Out, Side, Hip Bump
1-2Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
3&4Cross right behind left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.
5-6Step left to left side. Step right to right side.
7&8Step left to left side. Bump right hip up, down. (weight on left)

REPEAT: Part B: second time facing 12 o’clock (rap sequence)
ENDING: Section 2, count 8, Sweep right 1/4 right turn to face front. Step right behind left and pose.

Contacts: -
Rob Fowler (Spain/UK) Vivienne Scott (Can)
JP Madge (Switzerland) Fred Buckley (Can)

Last Update - 27th April 2016


Totty April 25, 2016
Great little dance, my classes will love it!

Vivienne S April 27, 2016
Thanks so much. Vivienne

dancer33 April 27, 2016
great catchy song def teach for me

Vivienne S April 28, 2016
Thanks for teaching it and for such nice comments.

jennifer182 May 1, 2016
Could one of the choreographers clarify if the toe touches are backward moving as per the choreographers demo or on the spot as per the sheet. There seems to be a lot of differences on the videos I'm planning to teach it tomorrow so would appreciate clarification
Thank you

Vivienne S May 1, 2016
The toe touches move backward. The sheet says to move slightly back as you dance this section. So not on the spot. I will ask George to clarify that in the heading as well as in the body of the step sheet. Thanks so much for teaching the dance. Vivienne

jennifer182 May 1, 2016

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