CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Work That Body (Show Me What You Got)

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High Improver
Adrian Churm (UK) - March 2016
Work This Body - WALK THE MOON
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Sec 1: Walk forward, shuffle forward, rock step, coaster step
1 – 2Walk forward right, left.
3&4Shuffle forward R,L,R
5 – 6Rock forward with left foot, recover back onto right.
7&8Making a slight turn left, step left foot back, close right to left, step left foot forward.

Sec 2: Weave left, point to side, across, side, sailor turn ¼ left
1 – 2Step right foot across left, step left foot to the side,
3 – 4step right behind left, point left out to the side, (angle body to right).
5 – 6step left foot across right, step right foot to the side.
7&8Making a ¼ turn left as you step left behind right, right foot to the side, step left foot forward.

Sec 3: Body wind ½ right ( or paddle turns), forward rock, ½ turn shuffle
1 – 2Small step forward with right, make a ¼ turn left as you roll hips back & around to right (or paddle turn left).
3 – 4Small step forward with right, make a ¼ turn left as you roll hips back & around to right (or paddle turn left).
Restart here on wall 4 only facing 12 o'clock
5 – 6Rock forward onto right, recover back onto left (prepare to turn right)
7&8Shuffle a ½ turn around to the right R.L.R

Sec 4: Full turn right, shuffle forward, pivot ½ turn, kick, heel jack.
1 – 2½ turn right ( left ends foot back), ½ turn right (right foot ends forwards) easy option walk forward.
3&4Shuffle forwards L,R,L
5 – 6Step right foot forward, make a ½ turn left (weight ends on left)
7&8Kick right forward, step right back, touch left heel forward.
&Close left foot next to right

Restarts & Tags
Wall 4 when facing 12 o'clock
Restart: after count 4 of section 3

Tag: End of wall 10 when music stops do as follows (facing 6 o'clock)
1 – 2Step right foot forward and out to the side, step left foot forward and out to the side.
3 – 4Step right foot back in place, step left foot next to right.

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dancer33 April 10, 2016
Two too do now love this as well 😍😝

Poppet March 26, 2019
Three years on and still a favourite !

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