CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Best Fake Smile

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Intermediate ECS
Jannie Tofte Stoian (DK) - March 2016
Best Fake Smile - James Bay : (iTunes)
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Intro: 32 counts (app. 15 seconds)
Restart: 1 Restart on wall 3 after 16 counts – facing 12:00.
Note: Thank you Allan for sending me this piece of music. Love you!

[1-8] Chasse R, back rock, Kick ball cross x2
1&2Step R to R side, step L next to R, step R to R side 12:00
3-4Rock L back, recover onto R 12:00
5&6Kick L to L diagonal, step down on L, cross R over L 12:00
7&8Repeat counts 5&6 12:00
[9-16] Chasse ¼ R, Back rock, Full turn L, Step slide
1&2Step L to L side, step R next to L, turn ¼ R stepping L back 03:00
3-4Rock R back, recover onto L 03:00
5-6Turn ½ L stepping R back, turn ½ L stepping L fw 03:00
7-8Step R a big step to R side, slide L towards R
*RESTART here wall 3 – instead of doing a step slide – do a step ¼ L to start facing 12:00 03:00
[17-24] Back rock, Step touch, Step touch, Back rock
1-2Rock L back, recover onto R 03:00
3-6Step L to L side, touch R next to L, step R to R side, touch L next to R 03:00
7-8Rock L back, recover onto R 03:00
[25-32] Step ¼ R, Cross shuffle, Turn ¼ ¼ L, Shuffle R
1-2Step L fw, turn ¼ R stepping onto R 06:00
3&4Cross L over R, step R slightly to R side, cross L over R 06:00
5-6Turn ¼ L stepping R back, turn ¼ L stepping L fw 12:00
7&8Step R fw, step L next to R, step R fw 12:00
[33-40] Rocking Chair, Step ¼ turn R x2
1-4Rock L fw, recover onto R, rock L back, recover onto R 12:00
5-8Step L fw, turn ¼ R stepping onto R, repeat 06:00
[41-48] Jazzbox cross, Kick ball cross, Step slide
1-4Cross L over R, step R back, step L to L side, cross R over L 06:00
5&6Kick L to L diagonal, step down on L, cross R over L 06:00
7-8Step L a big step to L side, drag R towards L 06:00
[49-56] Back rock, Step touch, Step touch, Back rock
1-2Rock R back, recover onto L 06:00
3-6Step R to R side, touch L next to R, step L to L side, touch R next to L 06:00
7-8Rock R back, recover onto L 06:00
[57-64] Step ½ L, Shuffle ½ L, Back rock, Kick ball touch
1-2Step R fw, turn ½ L stepping onto L 12:00
3&4Turn ¼ L stepping R to R side, step L next to R, turn ¼ L stepping R back 06:00
5-6Rock L back, recover onto R 06:00
7&8Kick L fw, step down on L, touch R next to L 06:00


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