CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Heather Joffer (USA), Tracy Durcholz (USA) & Kim Huizinga - January 2016
Freaks - Timmy Trumpet & Savage
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Intro: 32 counts - Phrasing Sequence: ABAAA Tag BABAA

Section A (32 counts)
A1: Cross, Step, Left Heel Jack, Right Heel Jack, Ball Cross x2, Unwind Full Turn
1,2Cross right over left (1), Step back on left (2)
&3&4&5Step right slightly back (&), Touch left heel forward toward left diagonal (3), Step left slightly back (&), Cross right over left (4), Step left slightly back (&), Touch right heel forward toward right diagonal (5)
&6&7Step right next to left (&), Cross left over right (6), Step right next to left (&), Cross left over right (7)
8Unwind full turn over right shoulder (12:00)

A2: Stomp L, Stomp R, Shoulder Isolations (Upper right, Lower Right, Lower Left, Upper Left)
1,2Stomp left forward to left diagonal while lowering your height to a squatting position-dropping 3” in height (1), Hold (2)
3,4Stomp right forward to right diagonal while lowering your height an additional 3” in height (3), Hold (4)
5,6,7,8Stand upright- shift weight and torso to right side- raising right shoulder up- while lowering left shoulder (5), Bend knees to squatting position- torso remains to right side- shoulders are even (6), Shift weight and torso to left side- shoulders are even (7) Stand upright, weight and torso remain to the left side- raise left shoulder up while lowering right shoulder (8)

A3: Rock, Recover, Sailor ¼ R turn, Step, ½ R Turn, Full Turn
1,2Rock right to right side- can style by raising right shoulder (1), Recover to left (2)
3&4Cross right behind left (3), rock left to left side (&), Turn ¼ to right stepping right foot forward (4) 3:00
5,6Step forward on left foot (5), pivot turn ½ right – transferring weight to right (6) 9:00
7,8Turn ½ right and step left back (7), turn ½ right and step right forward (8) You will have done 1 full turn. 9:00

A4: Step, ¼ L Turn, Sailor Step, Sailor Step
1,2,3,4Step forward on left (1), Hold (2), Step forward on right while turning ¼ to left (3), Hold (4) 6:00
5&6Cross right behind left (5), rock left to left side (with ball of foot) (&), step right slightly forward (6)
7&8Cross left behind right (7), rock right to right side (with ball of foot) (&), step left slightly forward (8) 6:00

Section B (32 counts)
B1: Press, Sweep, Bend, Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Step, Slide
1,2Press right next to left, while lowering height 3”- taking weight onto right (1), Stand upright as sweep left foot around crossing behind right- weight to left (2)
3,4Bend knees- taking weight onto left (3) Sweep right foot around crossing behind left- do not take weight (4)
5&6Complete the sweep by stepping right behind left (5), Step left to left side (&), Cross right over left (6)
7,8Take a big step to the left with left foot (7), Slide right to left – ending with right touched next to left (8) 6:00

B2: Press, Sweep, Bend, Sweep, Behind Side Cross, Step, Slide
1,2Press right next to left- taking weight onto left (1), Sweep right foot around crossing behind left- weight to right foot (2)
3,4Bend knees- taking weight onto right foot (3) Sweep left foot around crossing behind right- do not take weight (4)
5&6Complete the sweep by stepping left behind right (5), Step right to right side (&), Cross left over right (6)
7,8Take a big step to the right with right foot (7), Slide left to right while hitching your left leg and turning ½ to right- weight is on right foot – left foot is hitched (8) 12:00

B3: Sumo Squat x 2, Arm Movements
1,2Step left foot to back left diagonal- in a squatting position- styling: hands on thighs- lowering height about 6” 10:30 (1), stand upright- facing towards 12:00 while hitching right leg (2)
3,4Step right foot to back right diagonal- in a squatting position- styling: hands on thighs- lowering height about 6” 1:30 (3), Stand upright, set left foot next to right- shoulder width apart 12:00 (4)
5,6Make a fist with right hand, while moving right arm to the right side of body in downward diagonal position (5), Make a fist with left hand, while moving left arm to the left side of body to downward diagonal position (6)
7&8Bend arms at 90 degree angle in front of chest, with right arm over left arm- arms are horizontal with floor- hands are still in fists (7), Raise right arm – while lowering left arm (&), Return to closed position- lowering right arm and raising left arm (8)

B4: Swivels, Hip Pops
1&2Swivel right toes to the right (1), Swivel right heel to right (&), Swivel right toes to right (2) Styling: Left foot remains still- arms remain in front of body. Body leans gradually to the right with swivels.
3&4Body moves back to upright position with swivels. Swivel right toes to left (3), Swivel right heel to left (&), Swivel right toes to forward position (4).
5&6Drop arms to side. Step right foot toward 1:30, while popping hips forward (5), Pop hips backward (&), Pop hips forward (6)
7&8Step left foot toward 10:30, while popping hips forward (7), Pop hips backward (&), Pop hips forward (8) 10:30

TAG: 4 count Tag: Turn toes of both feet out (1), turn heels out (2), bring heels to center (3), Bring toes to center (4)

Optional Ending: Only do 28 counts of A. The remaining 4 counts, slowly bend down at the waist, arms are limp, and head is down. Imagine a robot shutting down… Have fun!


Last Update - 16th March 2016


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