Beginner – Country & Catalan style
Sec. 1: Rumba R fw, Stomp, Rumba R back, Scuff L
1-2Step Right to right, Step left next to right
3-4Step right forward, Stomp left next to right (weight on left)
5-6Step right to right, step left next right
7-8Step right back, scuff left
Sec 2: Wine L ¼ turn Scuff R, Rock R fw, ½ turn R, Scuff L
1-2Step left to left, step right cross behind left
3-4Turn ¼ left step left, scuff right
5-6On heel rock right forward, recover on left
7-8½ turn right on right foot, stomp left
Sec. 3: Wine L ¼ turn, Scuff R, Rock R fw, ½ turn R, Stomp
1-2Step left to left, step right cross behind left
3-4Turn ¼ left step left, scuff right (weight on left to restart here)
Restart wall 12 (dance turns back 12 and 6 o´clock)
5-6On heel rock right forward, recover on left
7-8½ turn right on right foot, stomp left (weight on left to restart here)
Restart wall 6 (dancing know opposite direction until next restart)
Sec. 2 Toe Strut ¼ L, Toe Strut ¼ L, ½ turn R, 2x stomp
1-2Left toe turns ¼ right, left heel drops
3-4Right toe turns ¼ right, right heel drops
5-6Step left forward, turn ½ right
7-8Stomp left, stomp up right
Last Update – 19th March 2016
1-2Step Right to right, Step left next to right
3-4Step right forward, Stomp left next to right (weight on left)
5-6Step right to right, step left next right
7-8Step right back, scuff left
Sec 2: Wine L ¼ turn Scuff R, Rock R fw, ½ turn R, Scuff L
1-2Step left to left, step right cross behind left
3-4Turn ¼ left step left, scuff right
5-6On heel rock right forward, recover on left
7-8½ turn right on right foot, stomp left
Sec. 3: Wine L ¼ turn, Scuff R, Rock R fw, ½ turn R, Stomp
1-2Step left to left, step right cross behind left
3-4Turn ¼ left step left, scuff right (weight on left to restart here)
Restart wall 12 (dance turns back 12 and 6 o´clock)
5-6On heel rock right forward, recover on left
7-8½ turn right on right foot, stomp left (weight on left to restart here)
Restart wall 6 (dancing know opposite direction until next restart)
Sec. 2 Toe Strut ¼ L, Toe Strut ¼ L, ½ turn R, 2x stomp
1-2Left toe turns ¼ right, left heel drops
3-4Right toe turns ¼ right, right heel drops
5-6Step left forward, turn ½ right
7-8Stomp left, stomp up right
Last Update – 19th March 2016