Part A (32 counts) A部份-32拍 Part A is only done to the 12 o’clock, 6 o’clock, and one time at end to 3 o’clock A部份面向12點鐘及6點鐘, 只有一次在結束時面向3點鐘 |
第一段 |
R-Rock-Recover, Behind Side Cross,
L-Rock-Recover, Behind Side Cross 右下沉 回復, 後 旁 前, 左下沉 回復, 後 旁 前 |
1–2 |
Rock R out to R, Recover on to L (Sway R hip to R on Rock) 右足右下沉右擺臀, 左足回復 |
3&4 |
Step R behind L, Step L out to L, Cross R over L 右足於左足後踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
5–6 |
Rock L out to L, Recover on to R (Sway L hip to L on Rock) 左足左下沉左擺臀, 右足回復 |
7&8 |
Step L behind R, Step R out to R, Cross L over R 左足於右足後踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
第二段 |
¼ R Forward, L Lock Step,
Step-Lock-Step, Rock ½ Turn L, Full Turn 1/4踏 鎖, 前鎖步, 曼波轉, 轉 轉 |
1–2 |
¼ Turn R stepping R forward, Lock L foot behind R 右轉90度右足前踏, 左足於右足後鎖踏 |
3&4 |
Step R forward, Lock L Behind R, Step R forward 右足前踏, 左足於右足後鎖踏, 右足前踏 |
5&6 |
Rock forward on L, Recover back on R, ½ Turn L stepping L forward 左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左轉180度左足前踏 |
7–8 |
½ Turn L stepping R back, ½ Turn L stepping L forward 左轉180度右足後踏, 左轉180度左足前踏 |
第三段 |
Forward Steps w/ Shoulder Sways,
Cross-Rock-Recover ¼ Turn, ½ Turn R 前踏擺肩, 交叉-下沉-回復轉1/4, 1/4 1/4 |
1–2 |
Step R out/forward (sway R shoulder R), Step L out/forward (sway L shoulder
L) 右足前踏右擺肩, 左足前踏左擺肩 |
3–4 |
Step R out/forward (sway R shoulder R), Step L out/forward (sway L
shoulder L) 右足前踏右擺肩, 左足前踏左擺肩 |
5&6 |
Cross rock R over L, Recover back on L, ¼ Turn R stepping R forward 右足於左足前交叉下沉, 左足回復, 右轉90度右足前踏 |
7–8 |
¼ Turn R touching L toe out to L, ¼ Turn R stepping L forward 右轉90度左足左點, 右轉90度左足前踏 |
第四段 |
Scoot Step R-L, Double Step on R,
Scoot Step L-R, Double Step on L 單腳跳-右, 左, 右二次, 單腳跳-左, 右, 左二次 |
1–2 |
Small scoot/hop on L toward R diagonal, Small scoot/hop on R towards L
diagonal 左足單腳跳向右斜角, 右足單腳跳向左斜角 |
3&4 |
Small scoot/hop on L towards R diagonal x2 左足單腳跳向右斜角二次, 右足踏 |
5–6 |
Small scoot/hop on R toward L diagonal, Small scoot/hop on L towards R
diagonal 右足單腳跳向左斜角, 左足單腳跳向右斜角 |
7&8 |
Small scoot/hop on R towards L diagonal x2 (make sure weight ends on L) 右足單腳跳向左斜角二次, 左足踏 |
Part B (32 counts) B部份-32拍 Part B is only done to the 12 o’clock and 3 o’clock walls B部份只會面向12點鐘及3點鐘 |
第一段 |
Jump out, Knee pop, Heel/Toe Swivel x2, Rock-Recover,
Cross-Step ½ Turn 跳開, 膝彈, 踵趾旋轉二次, 下沉回復, 交叉, 1/4 1/4 |
1&2 |
Jump out on R&L, Pop both knees up, Bring knees back down 雙腳後跳開, 雙膝前彈, 雙膝彈回 |
&3&4 |
On ball of L & heel of R swivel toes to L, bring back to center, On
ball of R foot & heel of L swivel toes to R, bring back to center (weight
ends on L) 重心在左足踵右足趾轉向左, 轉回, 重心在右足踵左足趾轉向右, 轉回 (重心在左足) |
&56 |
Step R foot to L, Rock out on L foot, Recover weight back to R 右足併踏, 左足左下沉, 右足回復 |
&7&8 |
Cross L over R, ¼ L stepping back R, ¼ L stepping L side, Touch R toe to
R side 左足於右足前交叉踏, 左轉90度右足後踏, 左轉90度左足左踏, 右足右點 |
第二段 |
Full Turn, Rock-Recover-Cross, ¼ Rock-Recover Half,
Walk R, L 三步轉圈帶下沉, 回復, 交叉, 1/4下沉, 回復, 轉, 走 走 |
1–2 |
¼ Turn R stepping R forward, ½ Turn R stepping L back 右轉90度右足前踏, 右轉180度左足後踏 |
3&4 |
¼ Turn R rocking out on R foot, Recover L, Cross R over L 右轉90度右足右下沉, 左足回復, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
5&6 |
¼ Turn L rocking forward on L, Recover on R, ½ Turn L stepping L forward 左轉90度左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左轉180度左足前踏 |
7–8 |
Walk forward R, Walk forward L 右足前走, 左足前走 |
第三段 |
Rock & Cross x2, Rock-Recover-1/2 Turn, Weave (下沉 回復 交叉)二次, 右下沉 回復 轉, 後 旁 前 |
&12 |
Quick rock out/forward with R, Recover on L, Cross R over L 右足右前下沉, 左足回復, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
&3-4 |
Quick rock out/forward with L, Recover on R, Cross L over R 左足左前下沉, 右足回復, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
5&6 |
Rock out to R, Recover to L, ½ Turn L stepping R to R side 右足右下沉, 左足回復, 左轉180度右足右踏 |
7&8 |
Step L behind R, Step R out to R side, Cross L over R 左足於右足後踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
第四段 |
R Mambo Forward, L Coaster, Brush-Hitch-Touch, Heel
Flick-Knee Pop 前曼波, 海岸步, 刷-抬-點, 踵抬-膝彈 |
1&2 |
Rock forward on R, Recover back on L, Step R next to L 右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右足併踏 |
3&4 |
Step L back, Step R back next to L, Step L forward 左足後踏, 右足併踏, 左足前踏 |
5&6 |
Brush R forward, Hitch R knee up, Touch R down slightly in front of L 右足前刷, 右膝抬, 右足於左足略前點 |
&7&8 |
Flick R heel out, Place R back on floor, Pop knees forward, Back to center
*Weight should end on L foot 右足踵右抬, 右足後踏, 雙膝前彈, 雙膝彈回(重心在左足) |