CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crazy Love

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Double Trouble (CAN) - January 2016
Die a Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
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Start Dance after 16 counts on vocals

[1-8] Step Right, Sailor Left, Sailor right, Step Forward Left, Right Coaster Step
1Step right foot slightly to right side.
2&3Step left foot behind right, quickly step onto right Step left to left side.
4&5Step right foot behind left, quickly step onto left, step slightly forward onto right.
6Step forward slightly on left.
7& 8Step back right, quickly step left foot beside right, step forward on right.

[9-16] Syncopated Rock Left Recover ¼ Turn Left, Cross Shuffle Right over Left, Sway Left Right, Left Behind and Forward
1&2Rock left foot forward, quickly recover onto right, make a ¼ turn to left taking weight onto left.
3&4Cross Shuffle Right over left
5-6Sway your hips to your left, right.
7 & 8Step left foot behind right, quickly step onto right, step left foot slightly forward.

[17-24] Right Hip Bump ¼ turn, Left Hip Bump ¼ turn, Right Hip bump ¼ turn left hip bump in place – always turning to your left. (C bumps)
1&2Step forward right making a ¼ turn left while doing a right hip bump up and down .
3&4Step side left while make a ¼ turn left while doing left hip bump up and down.
5&6Step forward right making a ¼ turn left while doing left hip bump up and down.
7&8Step side left while make a doing a hip bump – C bump up and down.

[25-32] Rock forward Right Recover Right Coaster Step, Step forward Left ½ Turn Right, right ½ Turn shuffle
1-2Rock right foot forward, recover onto left.
3 & 4Step back onto right foot, quickly step left foot beside right, step forward onto right.
5-6Step left forward making a ½ turn pivot to the right, step onto right foot.
7&8Continue turning to your right while shuffling left right left.

Restart here during 5th wall – you will be facing the front wall.

[33-40] Walk back right, left, Right Coaster step, Left Wizard Step, Right Wizard Step.
1-2Walk back right, left.
3 & 4Step back right, quickly step left beside Right, step forward Right.
5-6 &Step left foot forward on angle, step right behind left, quickly step left foot slightly forward
7-8 &Step right foot forward on angle, step left foot behind right, quickly step onto right.

[41-48] Rock forward left, recover, ¼ Turn left shuffle. Right Jazz box
1-2Rock forward onto left foot, recover back onto right.
3&4make a ¼ shuffle Left (L, R, L)
5-8Step your right foot over left, step back onto left, step side with your right step left beside right.

Finish the dance on the hip bumps bringing yourself to the front wall.

Dedicated to our DJ Johnny Rivex, thanks for the music.

Contact: 519-928-5256 or 905-279-3371 -


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