Partner Fun Dance
OR .Bye Bye Baby by Bay City Rollers – iTunes etc.
To be danced in a circle in pairs (as the Barn dance) - start side by side. Inner person starts with the left, outer person starts with the right.
You will have swapped places by the end of the dance and therefore swap start legs each time.
Enjoy… have a laugh… Have A Ball!! J
Hold partners hand standing side by side. Shuffle Forward x 3 Step Fwd. Touch
1&2Step fwd, step together, step fwd. (Inner person lead with left - outer person lead with right)
3&4Step fwd, step together, step fwd.
5&6Step fwd, step together, step fwd.
7 - 8Step fwd , Touch
Chasse Rock back Recover. Vine Cross. Inner person goes behind outer person on the vine
1&2Step side together side ( inner person to the left - outer person to the right)
3 - 4Rock back, recover
5 - 6Step side, behind (Inner person goes behind outer person to change places)
7 - 8Step side, Cross over - (swap holding hands over)
Chasse Rock Back Recover. Vine ¼ Turn Touch to face each other hold partners hands in front
1&2Step side together side (new inner person to the left - new outer person to the right)
3 - 4Rock back, recover
5 - 6Step Side, Cross behind
7 - 8¼ turn stepping fwd. Touch. (inner person ¼ turns right - outer person ¼ turns left)
Chasse Rock Back Recover, ¼ Turn Shuffle Back letting go of outer hands, Rock Back Recover
1&2Step side together side (new inner person to the left - new outer person to the right)
3 - 4Rock back, recover
5&6¼ turn stepping back, step together, step back-(inner person turns left - outer person turns right)
7 - 8Rock back, recover -
You will be back in the original starting position but will have swapped places your with partner.
Inner person becomes outer/ outer person becomes inner - if progressing you will have a new partner.
Start the dance again
To be danced in a circle in pairs (as the Barn dance) - start side by side. Inner person starts with the left, outer person starts with the right.
You will have swapped places by the end of the dance and therefore swap start legs each time.
Enjoy… have a laugh… Have A Ball!! J
Hold partners hand standing side by side. Shuffle Forward x 3 Step Fwd. Touch
1&2Step fwd, step together, step fwd. (Inner person lead with left - outer person lead with right)
3&4Step fwd, step together, step fwd.
5&6Step fwd, step together, step fwd.
7 - 8Step fwd , Touch
Chasse Rock back Recover. Vine Cross. Inner person goes behind outer person on the vine
1&2Step side together side ( inner person to the left - outer person to the right)
3 - 4Rock back, recover
5 - 6Step side, behind (Inner person goes behind outer person to change places)
7 - 8Step side, Cross over - (swap holding hands over)
Chasse Rock Back Recover. Vine ¼ Turn Touch to face each other hold partners hands in front
1&2Step side together side (new inner person to the left - new outer person to the right)
3 - 4Rock back, recover
5 - 6Step Side, Cross behind
7 - 8¼ turn stepping fwd. Touch. (inner person ¼ turns right - outer person ¼ turns left)
Chasse Rock Back Recover, ¼ Turn Shuffle Back letting go of outer hands, Rock Back Recover
1&2Step side together side (new inner person to the left - new outer person to the right)
3 - 4Rock back, recover
5&6¼ turn stepping back, step together, step back-(inner person turns left - outer person turns right)
7 - 8Rock back, recover -
You will be back in the original starting position but will have swapped places your with partner.
Inner person becomes outer/ outer person becomes inner - if progressing you will have a new partner.
Start the dance again