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Blow A Kiss

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Phrased Intermediate - Funky / Street
Tyla Giles (SA) - October 2015
Lean On (feat. MØ) - Major Lazer & DJ Snake
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Notes: 16 Count Intro, 9 seconds into song. *See part C for end note

Sequence: ABC, ABC, Tag, D, B

Part A – 32 Counts (Do you recall, not long ago)
A[1 – 8] Sailor Step; Knee Pop; Step R, Step L, Lift R; Heel Flick with ¼ Turn R
1&2Step L behind R, close R to L, 1/8 turn L stepping L forwards (10:30)
3,4Pop both knees lifting heels, lower heels back down
5&61/8 turn R stepping R to R side (12:00), step L to L side(both legs bent at 90° angle), lift R up shifting weight to L & maintain 90° angle
7,8Flick R behind L, ¼ turn R on L closing R to L (3:00)

A[9 – 16] Push Lunge, Bend; ¼ Turn L, Rise onto Pointe; Arm Combo
1,2Push L straight back with R bent and extending both arms up in front of the body, bend L down to 90° angle while dropping L arm to side of body, bent at the elbow and the forearm extended forwards
3,4(3)Turn L out to 2nd making ¼ turn L and twisting the arms so that the L forearm and R arm face 3:00, L forearm is against the body(12:00), (4)rise both feet onto pointe bringing both arms up in front of the chest, bent at the elbows with palms facing down and the R placed on top of the L
5,6,7,8(5)With the R over the L break at the wrists to form 90° angle, R palm facing inwards and finger tips down and touching L inside elbow, L palm facing outwards and finger tips up and touching R inside elbow, (6)Slide both arms so that the hands meet in the middle, R palm touching outside of L hand, both wrists still in 90° angle, (7)Bring the R hand over and down behind the L while the L twists down away from the body, bring both wrists together and twist them round in a circle so that the L is moving to be above the R (called a Bhangra Lotus Flower Motion), (8)Place the hands back in their original position but with the L now placed on top of the R (count 4 - with both arms up in front of the chest, bent at the elbows with palms facing down and the L now placed on top of the R)

A[17 – 24] Swivel Turn R; Walk x2; Step, Hitch-Kick; Cross, Step
1,2Step R behind L, full turn R ending with R crossed in front of L
3,4Walk forwards R, walk forwards L
5&6Small step forwards R, hitch L, kick R forwards stepping L down in place
7,8Bring R down and across L bending both legs, step R to R side

A[25 – 32] Swivels; Slide, Point; Step, Windmill-Kick; Step, Chest Pop
1&2Using both feet twist on toes to R diagonal (1:30), twist to L diagonal (10:30), twist back to R diagonal (1:30), all the while bending down to the floor
3,4Slide L from back to front and across to R diagonal still on a bent supporting leg (1:30), finish motion with a pointed toe and straight L leg and bent R leg
5,6Step L to L side squaring up to 12:00, sweep R from R to L kicking R across body and back to R side – motion should travel across, up and down starting from R side to L and back to R. can be done with bent or straight kicking leg
7&8Step R to R side making 1/8 turn R (1:30), close L to R, chest pop

Part B – 32 Counts (Blow a kiss, fire a gun)
B[1 – 8] Out, Out; Shoulders, ¼ Turn with Lunge; Scuff-Hitch, Step Back; ¼ Turn with Body Sweep
1,2Step & bend R to R side, push R arm out to R side; step & bend L to L side, push L arm out to L side – legs should be bent at 90° angle
3&4(3)Bend arms at elbow & twist up, (palms facing front) (&)twist arms downwards, (palms facing back) (4)twist arms up, (palms facing front) twist feet ¼ turn L into lunge (9:00) – arms & legs should be at 90° angle
5,6Scuff & hitch R, step back with R
7,8¼ turn R pitching chest forwards & over the toes to sweep from L to R (12:00)

B[9 – 16] Step-Together-Step x2; Full Ronde Turn, Step R, Step L; Elbow Pull into Plie
1&2Turning 1/8 L (10:30) step R to R side, close L to R, step R to R side
3&4Turning ¼ R (1:30) step L to L side, close R to L, step L to L side
5&6Full turn R on L with R ronde from front, step R to R side, step L to L side
7&8Bend L arm at elbow in front of chest and pull to L side, push back towards R side, pull back to L side lining up with L shoulder, while pulling elbow bend legs to 90° angle plie

B[17 – 32] Repeat First 16 Counts

Part C – 32 Counts (Eeh ooh, eeh, ooh, etc)
C[1 – 8] ½ Turn with Hips
1-8Taking small steps with the LF, swing your hips to the L side, first swinging up (counts 1,3,5 & 7) and then down (counts 2,4,6 & 8) until you have turned ½ R on the R foot

C[9 – 16] R Side Rock; L Side Rock; Coaster Step; 1/8 Turn Step, Cross; Spiral Turn
1&2Rock R to R side, recover onto L, close R to L
3&4Rock L to L side, recover onto R, close L to R
5&6Step L back, close R to L, step L forward
&7&8Step R to R diagonal turning to face 7:30, cross L behind R, full turn L

C[17 – 24] Toe, Step with Hips x2; Kick-Ball-Change x2
1,2Tap R toe forwards rocking hip forwards, step R down in place rocking hip backwards – samba hip motion
3,4Tap L toe forwards rocking hip forwards, step L down in place rocking hip backwards
5&6Kick R forwards, step R back onto ball, step L in place
7&8Kick L forwards, step L back onto ball, step R in place

C[25 – 32] Kick-Ball-Kneel; 1 & ¼ Knee Turn; Body Ripple To Standing; 1/8 Turn Jump Out & Flick
1&2Kick R forwards, step R back starting to kneel, small step L in place coming down to finish kneel on R knee
3&4Push off L foot starting to turn 1 and ¼ R, close L knee down to R turning on both knees, finish turning and bring R knee up back to kneeling position
5,6Close L to R while rippling body up to standing position
7&8Jump and turn 1/8 R (12:00) to 2nd, jump and flick L heel in front of R shin and R heel behind L calf, finish landing from jump out to 2nd

*NB! on the second repeat of C end jump with L in front of R preparing for Pirouette’s of the Tag

Part D – 32 Counts (Musical break in song)
D[1 – 8] Walk R, Walk L; R Scuff, Step R, Step L; Twist R, Twist L, Shoulder Push x2
1,2Step forward R, step forward L
3&4Scuff R forwards, step R to R side, step L to L side
5&6&Twist R knee in – knee should face 9:00, recover back to 12:00, twist L knee in – knee should face 3:00, recover back to 12:00
7,8Push R shoulder & chest to R side, push L shoulder & chest to L side – hips should be kept still, only the torso moves

D[9 – 16] 1/8 Turn L with Hitch, Slide; ¼ Turn R with Hitch, Slide; Step onto Pointe, 7/8 Attitude Turn; Step L, Step R
1,2Turn 1/8 L (10:30) hitching R, step R to R side and slide L to R
3,4Turn ¼ R (1:30) hitching L, step L to L side and slide R to L – do not actually close the feet, just want the slide motion
5,6,7Pop both feet up onto pointe still facing 1:30, push off L turning 7/8 R on R leg with L in back attitude position to 12:00 – slow turn over two counts
&8Step L down to L side, step R in place

D[17 – 24] Drop; Squat on Pointe; Front Split, Jazz sit; Lift; Plank; Jump Feet to Hands in Crouch, Body Ripple to Standing; Back Jump with Kick;
1Bend the R knee inwards, while bending the L down and dropping body down to knees, placing the R hand next to RF. R knee should almost be touching the floor
2Recover from count 1 into a 2nd position squat on pointe, back is straight with legs forming 90° angles, R hand placed on the floor between the feet for support
3,4Front split with R in front and L behind, recover bending L into jazz sit and turning body to face L diagonal (10:30)
5Still bending L, place LF on the floor and R hand behind body, push body up off the floor with RF still extended in front, lift the L arm up and back using the R for support – both feet and the R hand should be the only thing touching the floor and supporting the body’s weight
6Flip body over from L to R closing the L foot and hand to the R to end in a plank position now facing 4:30 – arms and legs should both be straight
7&Jump/close both feet to both hands into crouch position, stand up rippling body as you stand
8Jump back on L while kicking R to the front, lean body back

D[25 – 32] Walk x4; Heel Flick Back, Side, Front; Elbow Pull, Hand Blow Up
1,2,3,4Walk in half circle to 12:00 R, L, R, L
5&6Flick R heel behind L, flick R heel out to R side, flick and hold R heel in front of L
7,8Bend arms at elbow in front of chest with fingers touching and pull back ( elbow pull can be done diagonally or horizontally) , place R fist in front of mouth and “blow up hand” open fingers in sharp motion

Tag – 8 Counts (Lean on, lean on, etc)
[1 - 8] Full Spiral Turn R, Ronde; Ronde, Pirouette x3; Ball-Change, Close
1,2Unwind full turn R, ronde R from front to back
3,4Pull R leg to passé position completing a full turn R on L, ronde R from front to back
5,6Pull R leg to passé position completing a full turn R on L, ronde R from front to back
7Pull R leg to passé position completing a full turn R on L
&8Step R back on ball, step L in place,

Choreographed by Tyla Giles - Contact:
*2015 Tutu-licious Studio Choreography Step-Sheet


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