CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Worth It

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Phrased Intermediate
Wendy Teh (MY) - August 2015
Worth It (feat. Kid Ink) - Fifth Harmony
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Intro : 16 counts - Sequence : ABBC, ABC, ABC, A

Part A (32 counts)
A1: Step R side, Touch L, L Step Lock Step Together, Step L, Touch R, R Step Lock Step Touch
1 2step R to R, touch L next to R
3&4&step L diagonal fwd, lock R behind L, step L diagonal fwd, step R next to L
5 6step L to L, touch R next to L
7&8&step R diagonal fwd, lock L behind R, step R diagonal fwd, touch L next to R

A2: Step & Bump L, Step R fwd, Swing Sailor 1/2L, Hold & Swivel R-L
1-4step L slowly bump to L x4 (weight end on L)
5 a6&step R fwd (5), swing 1/2L step L behind R(a), step R to R(6), step L to L(&)
7 &8Hold(7), swivel both heels R-L

A3: Step Touch with Shoulder Pop Up-Down X4
1&2¼ L turn step R touch L (3.00) [R shoulder pop up-down-up follow with L shoulder]
3&4¼ L turn step L fwd touch R (12.00) [L shoulder pop up-down-up follow with R shoulder]
5&6repeat count 1&2 (9.00)
7&8repeat count 3&4 (6.00)

A4: Step Flick X4, Step L, Behind Side Cross, Hold & Jump out-In
1&2&step R, flick L out, step L, flick R out
3&4&repeat above action (count 1~2)
5 a6&step R to R(5), cross L behind R(a), step R to R(6), Cross L over R(&)
7 &8Hold(7), jump feet apart(&), jump in together(8)

Section B (32 counts)
B1: Step & Dip X2
1&2step R diagonal back, bend knee down & down again
3 4kick L fwd, hitch L
5&6step L diagonal back, bend knee down & down again
7 8kick R fwd, hitch R

B2: Shoulder Isolation, ½L Turn Together, Shoulder Isolation Together
1&2step R to R shoulder isolate to R
3 41/2L turn on L, step R next to L
5&6step R to R shoulder isolate to R
7 8recover onto L, step R next to L

B3: Bump & Step X4
1&2touch R fwd bump fwd-back, step R down
3&4touch L fwd bump fwd-back, step R down
5-8repeat above action (count 1&2 3&4)

B4: Skate R-L-R-L, Knee Pop Fwd X3, Snap Finger
1-4skate R, skate L, skate R, skate L
5 6&step R pop L(5), step L pop R(6), step R pop L(&)
7 &8Hold(7), step L pop R snap R finger up (&), hold & snap R finger down(8)

Section C (32 counts)
C1: Step R Back, L Coaster, Hitch R ¼ L Turn Touch Fwd, Hitch & Step R, L Back Rock ¼ L Turn, Fwd Syncopated Weave
1 2&3step R back, step L back, step R next to L, step L fwd
&4&5hitch R 1/4L turn, touch R fwd, hitch R, step R to R (3.00)
6&rock L behind R, recover onto R
7&8&11/4L turn step L fwd, step R behind L, step L fwd, step R fwd (12.00)

C2: Step L Fwd, Toes Switch, Montery ½ R, Step Out-Out, Twist Heels
1step L fwd
2&3&point R to R, step R next to L, point L to L, step L next to R,
4&5point R to R, step R together 1/2R turn, point L to L
6&step L fwd, step R to R (out-out)
7&8&L heel twist out & back to center, R heel twist out & back to center

C3: Jump Together, Tap Out Step In X2,
1jump feet together
2&3&tap R out, step R next to L, tap L out, step L next to R
4&5step R fwd, pivot 1/2L turn, step R fwd
6&7pivot 1/2L turn step L fwd, step R out, step L out
&8swivel R toe to R while swivel L heel to L(&), both back to feet apart position(8)

C4: Swivel Toes Heels X5, Lift R Heel, 1/2R Syncopated Jazz Box Cross, Knee Pop
1&2&3swivel toes out, swivel heels out, swivel heels in, swivel toes in, swivel heels in
&4lift R heel twice bend R knee
5 6&7cross R over L, 1/4R step L back, 1/4R step R to R, cross L over R
&8lift both heels up & down (bend knees)

Ending : make another unwind 1/2R to face front wall.

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