前奏: Start after 36 count intro on verse vocals
第一段 |
L Fwd, ¼ L Sweep Over 2 Counts, R
Cross Step, ½ R Hinge 左前, 以2拍左繞1/4, 右交叉踏, 右轉1/2 |
1-3 |
Step L forward, sweep R foot around turning ¼ left over 2 counts (9 o’clock) 左足前踏, 右足以2拍左繞轉90度(面向9點鐘) |
4-6 |
Cross step R over L, turning ¼ right step L back, turning ¼ right step R
to side ( 右足於左足前交叉踏, 右轉90度左足後踏, 右轉90度右足右踏(面向3點鐘) |
第二段 |
L Twinkle, L Weave 3 左華士步, 左3拍藤步 |
1-3 |
Cross step L over R, step R side, step L together 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足併踏 |
4-6 |
Cross step R over L, step L to side, cross step R behind L ( 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足後交叉踏(面向3點鐘) |
第三段 |
L Step Drag, Full R Turn 左踏拖, 右轉圈 |
1-3 |
Step L to side, draw R together over 2 counts (weight remains on L) 左足左踏, 右足以2拍拖恲(重心在左足) |
4-6 |
Turning ¼ right step R forward, turning ½ right step L back, turning ¼
right step R side ( 右轉90度右足前踏, 右轉180度左足後踏, 右轉90度右足右踏(面向3點鐘) |
第四段 |
L Cross Step, R Point, Hold, R
Behind-Side-Diagonal Fwd 左交叉踏, 右點, 候, 右後-旁-斜角前 |
1-3 |
Cross step L over R, point R side, hold 左足於右足前交叉踏, 右足右點, 候 |
4-6 |
Cross step R behind L, step L side, turning 1/8 left towards diagonal ( 右足於左足後交叉踏, 左足左踏, 左轉45度面向斜角線(1:30)右足前踏 |
第五段 |
½ L Chase
Turn, Run Fwd 3 左追轉1/2, 前跑三次 |
1-3 |
Step L forward, step R forward, pivot ½ left ( 左足前踏, 右足前踏, 左轉180度(面向7:30) |
4-6 |
Run forward R, L, R 前跑步-右, 左, 右 |
第六段 |
½ L Chase
Turn, R Fwd, R Full Turn Fwd 左追轉1/2, 右前, 右前轉圈 |
1-3 |
Step L forward, step R forward, pivot ½ left ( 左足前踏, 右足前踏, 左轉180度(面向1:30) |
4-6 |
Step R forward (extended 5th), turning ½ right step L back, turning ½
right step R forward ( 右足前踏, 右轉180度左足後踏, 右轉180度右足前踏(面向1:30) |
第七段 |
L Fwd, Lift R 2x, R Cross Over L, L Unwind ¾-Ish,
Sweep L Behind R 左前, 右抬二次, 右前交叉, 左繞3/4, 左繞至右後 |
1-3 |
Step L forward, lift R, lift R 左足前踏, 右足抬, 右足抬 |
4-6 |
Cross step R over L, unwind ¾-ish left to square with wall, sweep L
behind R (3 o’clock) 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左繞270度, 左足繞至右足後 |
第八段 |
L Cross Behind R, R Slightly R, L Fwd, ½ L Chase Turn 後交叉旁前, 踏轉踏 |
1-3 |
Cross step L behind R, step R side, step L forward 左足於右足後交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足前踏 |
4-6 |
Step R forward, pivot ½ left, step R forward ( 右足前踏, 左轉180度, 右足前踏(面向9點鐘) |
Note: Towards the very end of the song there is a 3 count
hold. Just dance on through it and continue for another wall and a half. |