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Break A Heart (P)

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Improver Partner
Carole Gosselin (CAN) & Raymond Sanschagrin (CAN) - September 2015
You Could Break a Heart Like That - Joel Crouse
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Position Sweetheart Facing L.O.D.
Men & woman’s steps are identical except when indicated

Intro de 16 counts
Sequence of the dance: 48-48-16-48-48-16-32+Tag-48-48-16

[1-8] 1/4 Turn, Side, Behind, Side Cross, Rumba Box,
Do not let go of hands
1-2¼ turn right, RF forward- LF left
Indian position facing O.L.O.D., man behind the woman
3&4Cross RF behind LF – LF left – Cross RF in front of LF
5&6LF left – RF next to LF – LF forward
7&8RF right – LF next to RF – RF Back

[9-16] Coaster 1/4 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Skate, Skate, Shuffle Fwd,
Do not let go of hands
1&21/4 turn left with LF behind – RF next to LF- LF forward
Position Skaters, facing L.O.D., man on interior of circle
3&4Shuffle RF, LF, RF forward
5-6Skate LF forward, skate RF forward
7&8Shuffle LF, RF, LF forward
Restart : After 16 counts
Final : After 16 counts

[17-24] (Step Pivot 1/4 Turn) X2, Rock Step, Shuffle Back,
Let go of right handyman passes under left arm
1-2RF forward, Pivot 1/4 turn left
Take left hand at waist, facing I.L.O.D.
3-4RF forward - Pivot 1/4 turn left
Position Hammerlock, facing R.L.O.D.
Right hand in mans back, left hand in front of woman
5-6Rock RF forward – Return on LF
7&8Shuffle back RF, LF, RF

[25-32] Shuffle 1/2 Turn, Shuffle Fwd, Walk, Walk, Shuffle Fwd,
Let go of right hand, pass left arm over woman’s head
1&2Shuffle LF, RF, LF, 1/2 turn left
Position Skaters, facing L.O.D., man on the interior of circle
3&4Shuffle RF, LF, RF forward
5-6LF forward – RF forward
7&8Shuffle forward LF, RF, LF
Tag : At this point after 32 counts

[33-40] H: Skate, Skate, Shuffle Fwd, Walk, Walk, Triple 1/4 Turn,
[33-40] F: Skate, Skate, Shuffle Fwd, 1/4 Turn, 1/4 Turn, Triple 1/4 Turn,
1-2Skate RF forward, Skate LF forward
3&4Shuffle forward RF, LF, RF
Do not let go of hands, pass left arm over woman’s head
5-6M: LF forward – RF forward
5-6W: ¼ turn right LF forward- RF behind
Arch position, man facing L.O.D. woman facing R.L.O.D.
Left arm on top & right arm at the bottom
7&8Triple Step LF, RF, LF, 1/4 turn right
Man facing O.L.O.D. woman facing I.L.O.D.

[41-48] H: 1/4 Turn, Back, Triple Step, Side, Together, ShuffleFwd
[41-48] F: 1/4 Turn Step, Triple Step, 1/2 Turn, 1/2 Turn, ShuffleFwd,
Do not let go of hands
Man passes in front of the woman under the left arm & under the right arm
Leave the arms up
1-2M: 1/4 turn left, RF forward – LF behind L.O.D.
1-2W: 1/4 turn right, RF forward, LF behind
Position Double Cross Hand Hold, Right arm on top, facing L.O.D.
Man on the exterior of circle
3&4Triple Step RF, LF, RF
Do not let go of hands, the woman passes under Right arm
5-6M: LF to left side _ RF forward
5-6W: 1/2 turns right, LF back - 1/2 turn right, RF forward
Position Sweetheart, facing L.O.D
7&8Shuffle LF, RF.LF forward

Restarts :-
After the 3rd routine of the dance
After the 6th routine of the dance
Do 16 counts and restart from beginning

Tag : After the 7th routine of the dance
Do 32 counts and do the following tag:
[1-8] (Step, Touch, Coaster Step,) X2
1-2RF forward- Point LF next to RF
3&4LF Back- RF next to LF- LF forward
5-6RF forward- Point LF next to RF
7&8LF back- RF next to LF, LF forward
Restart the dance from the beginning

Final Do 16 counts and do the following steps:
[17-20] Walk, Walk, ShuffleFwd.
1-2RF forward- LF forward
3&4Shuffle RF, LF, RF, forward

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