CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Just Me and You (P)

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Intermediate Partner
Greg Van Zilen (USA) & Samantha Van Zilen (USA) - September 2015
Let Me See Ya Girl - Cole Swindell
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Step description by Outta Line Country Dance Instruction

Starting Position: Single Hand Hold Facing LOD
Intro: 16 count start dancing on lyrics - Different and Mirror Footwork

(1-8) Shuffle box making ¾ turn
1&2Step right foot to side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side.
3&4¼ turn left (CCW) stepping left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
5&6¼ turn left (CCW) stepping right foot to side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side.
7&8¼ turn left (CCW) stepping left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
1&2Step left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
3&4¼ turn right (CW) stepping right foot to side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side.
5&6¼ turn right (CW) stepping left foot to side, step right foot next to left, step left foot to side.
7&8¼ turn right (CW) stepping right foot to side, step left foot next to right, step right foot to side.
Release hands on count 1,
counts 1&2 man crosses FLOD of lady; partners are facing LOD.
On counts 3&4 partners are travelling RLOD and will be facing each other.
On counts 5&6 man crosses FLOD of lady, partners are facing RLOD.
On counts 7&8 partners are travelling LOD and will be facing each other; join in two hand hold.

(9-16) Hip bumps , step – ½ turn – step, step – ½ turn – ¼ turn
1&2¼ turn left stepping slightly forward right bumping hips, bump hips left, bump hips right.
3&4Step slightly forward left bumping hips, bump hips right, bump hips left.
5&6Step right foot forward, ½ turn left transferring weight to left foot, step right foot forward.
7&8Step left foot forward, ½ turn right transferring weight to right foot, ¼ turn right stepping left foot to side.
1&2¼ turn right stepping slightly forward left bumping hips, bump hips right, bump hips left.
3&4Step slightly forward right bumping hips, bump hips left, bump hips right.
5&6Step left foot forward, ½ turn right transferring weight to right foot, step left foot forward.
7&8Step right foot forward, ½ turn left transferring weight to left foot, ¼ turn left stepping right foot to side.
Release man’s left and ladies right hands on count 1. Release hands on count 5. Join in two hand hold on count 8.

(17-24) Sailor, sailor, ¼ turn forward mambo, locking shuffle back
1&2Cross right foot behind left, step left foot slightly to side, step right foot slightly to side.
3&4Cross left foot behind right, step right foot slightly to side, step left foot slightly to side.
5&6¼ turn left stepping right foot forward, replace weight onto left foot, step right foot next to left.
7&8Step left foot back, step right foot back locking over left, step left foot back.
1&2Cross left foot behind right, step right foot slightly to side, step left foot slightly to side.
3&4Cross right foot behind left, step left foot slightly to side, step right foot slightly to side.
5&6¼ turn right stepping left foot forward, replace weight onto right foot, step left foot next to right.
7&8Step right foot back, step left foot back locking over right, step right foot back.
Release man’s left and ladies right hands on count 5.

(25-32) Coaster step, 3 locking shuffles forward
1&2Step right foot back, step left foot next to right, step right foot forward.
3&4Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left, step left foot forward.
5&6Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.
7&8Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left, step left foot forward.
1&2Step left foot back, step right foot next to left, step left foot forward.
3&4Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.
5&6Step left foot forward, lock right foot behind left, step left foot forward.
7&8Step right foot forward, lock left foot behind right, step right foot forward.

Contact ~ Greg & Samantha Van Zilen (860) 537-5849


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