CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Fallin' Up

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High Intermediate
Guyton Mundy (USA) & Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - September 2015
Fallin' Up - SoMo
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[1-8] Walks X2, rock/recover, 1/2, 1/4, 1/2, sway X2, behind cross side, behind with sweep
1-2Walk forward right, walk forward left
3&arock forward on right, recover on left, make a 1/2 turn to right stepping forward on right
4make a 1/4 turn to right stepping left to left, as you step down on 4 make a 1/2 turn to the right slightly wrapping right leg around left (3 O’clock wall)
5-6step right to right as you sway to right, sway to left
7&a8step right next to left, cross left over right, step right to right, step left behind right as you sweep right back

[9-16] back with sweep, back with hitch, behind side cross rock on diagonal, back X2, 1/4 touch, 1/4 sweep, full
1-2step back on right as you sweep left back, step back on left as you hitch right up
3&a4step right behind left, step left to left side, make an 1/8 turn to the left stepping forward on right, rock forward on left (1:30 wall)
5&a6recover back on right, walk back left, walk back right, make a 1/4 turn to right touching left out to left side
7-8make a 1/4 turn to left stepping forward on left as you sweep right forward and around in front of left, step down on right in front of left and make a full turn to left as you hitch left slightly

[17-24] 1/2 turn, cross, side, 1/2, cross rock/recover, 1/4, 1/2, back X2, back rock/recover, walks or 2 1/2 turns
1step down on left as you make a 1/2 turn to left keeping right toe into left foot (pencil turn)(9 O’clock wall)
2&across right over left, make a 1/4 turn to right stepping back on left, make a 1/4 turn to right stepping right to right (3 O’clock wall)
3-4cross rock left over right, recover on right
5&a6make a 1/4 turn to left stepping forward on left, make a 1/2 turn to left stepping back on right, walk back left right (6 O’clcok wall)
7-8&aRock back on left, recover on right. (For the &a) you can either walk forward left right or make a 1/2 turn to right as you step back on left, make a 1/2 turn right as you step forward on right

[25-32] full spiral, hitch, back with sweep, behind side cross, touch, full Monterey, side with sweep, behind, 1/4, forward
1-2step forward on left as you make a full spiral turn to right on the left foot, step forward on right as you hitch up left
3-4&astep back on left as you sweep right back, step right behind left, step left to left, cross right over left
5-6touch left out to left, make a full turn back over left shoulder as you bring left foot into right
7-8&astep right to right as you sweep left back, step left behind right, make a 1/4 turn to right stepping forward on right, step forward on left ( 9 O’clock wall)

Have fun…………….. Guyton & Fred


Serious Dancer October 2, 2015
Sorry not keen on the choice of music - makes me fall asleep.

Mr. Bill November 3, 2015
Great song, kind of keeps ya on your toes.

Serious Dancer November 3, 2015
Sorry not my cup of tea.

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