CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Den allersidste dans for 2 (P)

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Annie Muxoll - September 2015
Den Allersidste Dans - Kim Larsen : (Album: Guld & Grønne Skove)
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Position: Side by Side (Sweetheart). Same footwork throughout - Intro: 0!

Adapted from linedance “Den allersidste dans” choreographed by Annette Dida

[1 – 8] Vine R touch, Vine L touch
1-4Step R to R side, cross L behind R, step R to R side, touch L beside R
5-8Step L to L side, cross R behind L, step L to L side, touch R beside L

[9 – 16] Rocking chair, ½ turn, ½ turn
1-4Rock fwd R, recover L, Rock back R, recover L
Drop right hands raise left
5-6Step forward on R, ½ turn L
7-8Step forward on R, ½ turn L
Rejoin hands in side by side

[17 – 24] Lock Step R scuff, Lock step L scuff
1-4Step forward on R, Lock L behind R, step forward on R, Scuff L
5-8Step forward on L, lock R behind L. stem forward on L, Scuff R

[25 – 32] ½ Monterey x 2
1-2Point Right To Right Side, 1/2 Turn Right Stepping Right Next To Left
Release left hand
3-4Point Left To Left Side, Step Left Next To Right
5-6Point right to side, turn ½ right on left stepping right next to left
Rejoin left hand
7–8Point left to side, step left beside right
Options: 1-4 Rock fwd R, recover L back R hold, 5-8 back L rock R step L hold.

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