CopperKnob Stepsheets

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M.T. Groove (UK) - June 2015
King - Years & Years
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Co-written with our good friends Matt & Clare.

Start on vocals

S1: Fwd rock & rock, side hold, side touch.
1-2&Rock fwd on R, Recover L, Step R next to L.
3-4&Rock fwd L, Recover R, Step L next to R.
5-6&7-8Step R to R side, Hold, Step L next to R, Step R to R side, Touch L next to R.

S2: Slide touch x2, Ball cross, ¼ turn, Big side step, touch.
1-2-3-4Slide L to L side, Touch R next to L, Slide R to R side, Touch L next to R
&5-6Step on ball of L, Cross R over L, Step fwd L, ¼ L (9.00)
7-8Step R a big step to R side, Touch L next to R (9.00)

S3: Fwd rock, ½ turn walk walk, out out, in in.
&1-2-3-4Step down on L, rock fwd R, Recover L, ½ turn R step fwd R,L (3.00)
5-6-7-8Step out out R, L (work those hips), Step in in R,L. (3.00)

S4: Kick ¼ point, kick & point, ¾ pivot, ½, ¼ point.
1&2Low kick R fwd, Step R next to L making ¼ turn R, Point L to L side (6.00)
3&4Low kick L fwd, Step L next to R, Point R to R side (6.00)
&5-6Step R next to L, Cross L over R, Pivot ¾ turn R (3.00)
7&8½ turn R stepping back on L, ¼ turn R step R to R side, Point L to L side (12.00)

S5: Hitch, walk back, back back kick, Camel Walks x4.
1-2-3&4Hitch L knee, Walk back L, R,L, Step back on R as you low kick L fwd (12.00)
5-6-7-8Camel walks, L,R,L,R…..popping opposite knee as you walk…. (12.00)

S6: Touch back, reverse ¼ pivot, shoulder rolls, slide, ball step, walk walk.
1-2Touch L toe back, Step down on L as you reverse pivot ¼ turn L (9.00)
3&4Roll shoulders R,L,R.
5&6Slide L foot toward R, slide it thru a ¼ turn R as you ball walk L, R, (12.00)
7-8Walk fwd, L,R. (12.00)
*Restart here during 5th wall add an '&' count and step on L then restart dance (12.00)

S7: Walk/Sweep back, behind side cross, full turn walk around
1-2Walk back L as you sweep R back, Walk back R as you sweep L back
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Cross L over R (12.00)
5-6-7-8Full turn walk around R, stepping R,L,R,L. (12.00)

S8: Anchor steps x2, Sweep cross ½ turn & touch.
1&2rock R slightly behind L, Recover on L, Step on R, (Anchor Steps)
3&4repeat above leading L
&5-6Step on R, Sweep L from back to front, Cross L over R
&7-8Make ¼ turn L step back R, Make ¼ turn L step fwd L, Touch R next to L (6.00)

Start again and enjoy :)

Contact: Roger Thomas -


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