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My Cherie Amour

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Phrased Easy Intermediate
Gilbert Vianzon (USA) - July 2015
My Chérie Amour - Boney M.
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This dance has 2 parts: PART A & PART B - SEQUENCE: ABABABABAB

Start after 8 counts

PART A: 32 Counts
Section A1: 16 counts
Step, Cross, Chasse R, 1/2 turn ,Step, Cross, Chasse L, Step, Cross, Chasse R 1/2 turn ,Step, Cross ,Chasse L
1 - 2Step R foot to side, cross L foot over R
3 & 4Step R foot to side, step L foot together with R, R 1/4 turn stepping R foot forward
5 - 6R 1/4 turn stepping L foot to side, cross R foot over L
7 & 8L chasse (step L foot to side, step R foot together with L, step L foot to side)
9-10Step R foot to side, cross L foot over R
11&12Step R foot to side, step L foot together with R, R 1/4 turn stepping R foot forward
13 -14Make another R 1/4 turn stepping L foot to side, cross R foot over L
15 &16L chasse (step L foot to L side, R foot together with L, step L foot to side)

Section A2: 16 Counts.
Hip Bumps & L 1/4 Turns
17 - 18Step R to R side, make a R hip bump, pointing L toes diagonally out
19 - 20Step L to L side,making a L hip bump. 1/4 turn L as you point R toes diagonally out (0900)
21 -22Turning1/4 L (0600), step R to side, make R hip bump pointing L toes diagonally out
23 -24Step L to side, doing a L hip bump. point R toes diagonally out (0600)
25 -26Turn 1/4 L as you step R to side. Do R hip bump.Point L toes diagonally out (0300)
27 -28Step L to side, do a L hip bump,point R toes diagonally out (0300)
29 301/4 turn L, stepping R to side. Do R hip bump, pointing L toes diagonally out (1200)
31-32Step L to side, do hip bump L, point R toes diagonally out.

Section B1: 8 Counts of Samba Bota Fogos, R & L
1-a-2[R Samba] Step R across L, Step ball of L foot t o L .Step R in place
3-a-4[L Samba] Step L across R. Step ball of R foot to R, Step L in place
5-a-6Repeat steps 1-a-2
7-a-8Repeat steps 3-a-4

Section B2: 8 Counts of Traveling Voltas, bota fogo break
1-aStep R across L,Step L toe to side (1200)
2-aStep R across L,Step L toe to L side
3-aStep R across L, Step L toe to L side
4Step R across L
5-a1/2 turn L (0600) stepping L across R, step R toe to R
6-aStep L across R,step R toe to R
7-a-8Step L across R, step ball of R foot to R side ,rocking slightly to R, recover weight on L foot (Bota Fogo break)

Section B3: 8 Counts (Same steps as Section 1 - only now you are facing 0600)

Section B4: 8 Counts (Same steps as Section 2 - only now you are facing 0600 and will end up at 1200)

Section B5: 8 Counts ..Forward, cross, back shuffles, forward, cross, back shuffles
1-2Step R foot forward, cross L foot over R foot,
3&4Step R foot back, step L foot together with R, step R foot back
5-6Step L foot forward, cross R over L
7&8Step L foot back,step R foot together with L, step L foot back

Section B6: 8 Counts - Back shuffles R,L,R,L
1&2Step R foot back, L foot together with R, step R foot back
3&4Step L foot back, R foot together with L, step L foot back
5&6Step R foot back, L foot together with R, step R foot back
7&8Step L foot back, R foot together with L, step L foot back

Section B7: 8 Counts - Walk - Around…shuffles
1-21/4 turn R walk (R), walk (L) (0300)
3&41/4 turn R, R forward shuffle (0600)
5-61/4 turn R as you walk L, R ((0900)
7&81/4 Turn R as you do a L shuffle forward (1200)

Section: B8: 8 Counts..R Full Turn Cha Cha, Together…L Full Turn Cha Cha Together
1-41/4 turn R stepping R foot forward, 1/4 turn R stepping L foot to L side (0600), 1/2 turn R stepping R foot to R side (1200), bring L foot beside R
5-81/4 turn L stepping L foot forward, 1/4 turn L stepping R foot to side. Turn 1/2 L stepping L foot to L side, bring R foot beside L.


ENDING: The dance will end @ 0600. After count 6 of Section 3 (Part B), cross L foot over R and make a 1/2 turn R to face 1200. The End.

Hope this helps. Enjoy

Step Sheet submitted by: Lee Pacaigue Contact:
Last updated 7/26/2015


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