CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Let Her Go

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Bobby Houle (CAN) - October 2014
Let Her Go - Passenger
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[1-8] Step, ¼ Turn Right Rock Back, ½ Turn Right, Walk Backward, Side Rock Cross,1\2 turn right
1-2 & 3left to left (1), rock right behind left (2), return on left (and), right to right ¼ turn right (3) (3 o’clock)
4 & 5½ turn right on ball of right ,walk backward L,R,L ( 4 & 5) (9 o’clock)
6 & 7Rock right to right (6) back onto left (and) cross right over left (7)
8 &1\4 turn right left foot back (8), ¼ turn right right foot to right (and) (3 o’clock)

[9-16] Cross, Side Rock Cross, Point, Touch, Step, Weave, Point, Touch
1-2 & 3left crosses over right (1), rock right to right (2), return on left (and) crosses right over left (3)
4 & 5Point left to left side (4), Touch left next to right (and), left to left (5)
6 & 7right crossed behind left (6), left to left (and), right crosses over left (7)
8 &Point left to left side (8), Touch left next to right (and)

[17-24] Step, Sailor ¼ Right, Full Turn Right, Mambo, Backward, Turn ½ Right
1-2 & 3left to left (1), right crosses behind left (2), left beside right (and) right forward ¼ turn right (3) (6 o’clock)
4 & 5½ right-left behind (4), ½ turn right right forward (and) left forward (5)
6 & 7Rock right forward (6) back to left back (and) right behind (7)
8 &Left back (8), on ball of left make 1\2 turn right right forward (and) (12 oc’lock)

[25-32] Rock, Walk Backward Sweep, Weave, ¼ Left Side Rock Cross, Step Together
1-2Rock left forward (1) walk back right left right (2&3) and on count 3 sweep left front to back
4 & 5Cross left behind right (4), right to right (and), cross left over right (5)
6 & 7Rock right to right (6), ¼ turn left weight on left in place(and) right cross in front of left (5)
8 &left to left (8), right next to left (and)

Repeat the dance!

You make one dance full time, then you do the first 16 counts and up to 8& (point touch), and you start again.
You’re on 12 o’clock wall


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