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Foot Play

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Daniel Whittaker (UK) - June 2015
Strong Baby - SEUNGRI : (iTunes)
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RESTART & TAG: There is 1 restart during wall 3, dance up to 16 counts and there is a tag at end of wall 5!

START: Start after the words “Show me what you got” which is aprox 30 seconds into the music!

[1-8] Step forward point, Monterey ½ turn, Step hitch, ¼ turn point
1-2Step left foot forward, touch right to right side 12:00
3-4Make ½ turn right stepping right beside left, touch left to left side 06:00
5-6Step left foot forward, hitch right knee 06:00
7-8Make ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, touch left to left side 09:00

[9-16] Ball cross, hold, & cross, ½ turn cross, 3 x shouder pops
&1Step left beside right, cross right over left 09:00
2Hold 09:00
&3-4Step left slightly to left side, cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back 12:00
5-6Make a further ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, cross left over right 03:00
7&8Bring left shoulder up as you push right shoulder down, Bring right shoulder up as you push left shoulder down, Bring left shoulder up as you push right shoulder down [03:00]
** RESTART HERE ON WALL 3 ** Note your weight in natuarally on your left foot so to start the dance you need to do a ball step, so place weight on your right foot on the (&) count (you will be on 9:00 wall for restart)

[17-24] Side rock, sailor step, sailor ¼ turn, step forward right, hitch left
1-2Rock right to right side, recover weight on left 03:00
3&4Step right behind left, step left beside right, step right to right side 03:00
5&6Step left behind right, step right beside left, make ¼ turn left stepping left forward 12:00
7-8Step right forward, hitch left knee 12:00

[25-32] Long step left, ¼ turn long step right, ¼ turn, long step left, push right, push left
1-2Step left long step left, drap right to left 12:00
3-4Make ¼ turn left stepping right to right side, drag left to right 09:00
5-6Make ¼ turn left stepping left to left side, drag right to left 06:00
7Turn body towards 08:00 and step right to right as you push your body to the right 06:00
8Turn body towards 04:00 and step left to left as you push your body to the left 06:00
NOTE: Counts 7-8 are all for styling so put some attitude into these steps

[33-40] ¼ hold, Ball step, ½ turn, coaster step, step kick
1-2Step right foot ¼ turn right, hold 09:00
&3Step left beside right, step right foot forward 09:00
4Make ½ turn right stepping left foot back 03:00
5&6Step right foot back, close left beside right, step right foot forward 03:00
7-8Step left foot forward, kick right foot forward 03:00

[41-48] Syncopate out and back, Clap, Heels toes heels left, Heels toes right, kick & point
&1-2Step right back, step left to left side, CLAP (feet are slightly apart) 03:00
3&4Twist both heels left, twist toes left, twist heels left (moving to left) 03:00
5-6Twist heels right, twist toes right (moving right) 03:00
7&8Kick left foot forward, step left beside right, touch right to right side 03:00

[49-56] Cross over, ½ turn, Chasse, Modified montery turn
1-2Cross right over left, make ¼ turn right stepping left foot back 06:00
3&4Make a further ¼ turn right stepping right to right side, close left to right, step right to right side 09:00
5-6Touch left toe to left side, step left beside right making ¼ turn left 06:00
7-8Touch right to right side, cross right over left 06:00

[57-64] Left foot Step back, Right side step, Shuffle forward left, ½ turn, ¼ turn
1-2Step left foot back, step right to right side 06:00
3&4Shuffle forward L-R-L 06:00
5-6Step right foot forward, make ½ turn left 12:00
7&8Make ¼ turn left rocking right to right side, recover weight on left foot, step right foot beside left 09:00


Tag is needed at the end of wall 5, you will be facing the 3:00 wall
1-4Step left foot forward, make ½ turn right, step left foot forward, make ½ turn right

Contact: - - Mobile number: 07739 352209


dancer33 June 11, 2015
Love this definite teach for me ;-)

Jessica πŸ­πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ June 11, 2015
Love the music! It is on my list of dances i want to learn & teach πŸ˜‰

Holsmols June 12, 2015
Did this Wednesday night OMG love it!! It's one of my favourite! hope it's a massive hit

Timmytort June 13, 2015
This is a must do dance! We learnt this last night! Love it! I want to do it again :-)

Charl June 13, 2015
Did this dance today really good dance. Got sick of all the slow dances so this is a refreshing change. I'm sure you have a hit here Daniel x

Stokies June 18, 2015
Yes Had fun teaching this last night.Went down very well.We are in your area Daniel this will definitely be filling floors at socials
Hope to see you on the dance floor then.

Good luck with this one.
Victoria and The Gang (Stoke)

MMCI September 6, 2015
Love the steps and music. fab dance

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