前奏: 64 Count
Intro. Approx 42 seconds. Track approx 3 mins 49 secs
第一段 |
Forward Rock Recover, Full Triple
Turn Cross, Side Rock, Behind Side Cross. 下沉 回復, 三步轉圈交叉, 左下沉 回復, 後 旁 前交叉 |
1,2 |
Rock forward on R, recover weight to L. 右足前下沉, 左足回復 |
3&4 |
Making a full triple turn R, step R, L, cross step R over L. (Optional R
Coaster Cross). 三步右轉圈-右, 左, 右足於左足交叉踏 (簡易版-海岸交叉) |
5,6 |
Rock L out to L side, recover weight to R. 左足左下沉, 右足回復 |
7&8 |
Cross step L behind R, step R to R side, cross step L over R. (12
o’clock). 左足於右足後交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏(面向12點鐘) |
第二段 |
Side Rock, Sailor ½ Turn Cross R,
Side Rock, Behind Side Cross. 右下沉 回復, 轉水手交叉, 左下沉 回復, 後 旁 前交叉 |
1,2 |
Rock R out to R side, recover weight to L. 右足右下沉, 左足回復 |
3&4 |
Making a ½ turn R cross step R behind L, step L to L side, cross step R
over L. 右轉180度右足於左足後交叉踏, 左足左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
5,6 |
Rock L out to L side, recover weight to R. 左足左下沉, 右足回復 |
7&8 |
Cross step L behind R, step R to R side, cross step L over R. (6
o’clock). 左足於右足後交叉踏, 右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏(面向6點鐘) |
第三段 |
R Side Rock Recover &, L Side
Rock Recover &, R Forward Rock Recover &, L Forward Rock Recover
&. 右下沉 回復 併, 左下沉 回復 併, 下沉 回復 併, 下沉 回復 併 |
1,2& |
Rock R out to R side, recover weight to L, step R beside L. 右足右下沉, 左足回復, 右足併踏 |
3,4& |
Rock L out to L side, recover weight to R, step L beside R. 左足左下沉, 右足回復, 左足併踏 |
5,6& |
Rock forward on R, recover weight to L, step R beside L. 右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右足併踏 |
7,8& |
Rock forward on L, recover weight to R, step L beside R. (6
o’clock). 左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左足併踏(面向6點鐘) |
第四段 |
Step ½ Pivot L, Shuffle Forward, Full
Turn R, L Mambo Forward. 踏 轉, 前交換, 轉 轉, 前曼波 |
1,2 |
Step forward on R, make a ½ turn L.
右足前踏, 左轉180度 |
3&4 |
Shuffle forward stepping R, L, R.
前交換-右, 左, 右 |
5,6 |
Make a ½ turn R stepping back on L, make another ½ turn R stepping
forward on R. 右轉180度左足後踏, 右轉180度右足前踏 Easier option: walk forward L, R. 簡易版:左足前走, 右足前走 |
7&8 |
Rock forward on L, recover weight to R, step back on L. (12
o’clock) . 左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左足後踏(面向12點鐘) |
第五段 |
¼ Turn R
Cross, Rock & Cross, Side Cross, Rock & Cross. 右1/4 交叉, 曼波交叉, 左 交叉, 曼波交叉 |
1,2 |
Making a ¼ turn R step R to R side, cross step L over R. 右轉90度右足右踏, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
3&4 |
Rock R out to R side, recover weight to L, cross step R over L. 右足右下沉, 左足回復, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
5,6 |
Step L to L side, cross step R over L. 左足左踏, 右足於左足前交叉踏 |
7&8 |
Rock L out to L side, recover weight to R, cross step L over R. (3
o’clock). 左足左下沉, 右足回復, 左足於右足前交叉踏 |
* RESTART 1 DURING wall 2 – dance up to count 40
then begin again facing 6 |
第六段 |
Rolling Vine R With Touch, Chasse L, Cross Unwind ½
Turn L. 轉華倫帶點, 左追步, 交叉左繞轉1/2 |
1-4 |
Make a ¼ turn R stepping forward on R, make a ½ turn R stepping back on
L, make a ¼ turn R stepping R to R side, touch L beside R. 右轉90度右足前踏, 右轉180度左足後踏, 右轉90度右足右踏, 左足併點 |
5&6 |
Step L to L side, close R beside L, step L to L side. 左足左踏, 右足併踏, 左足左踏 |
7,8 |
Cross step R over L, unwind a ½ turn L (weight on R). (9 o’clock). 右足於左足前交叉踏, 左繞轉180度(重心在右足)(面向9點鐘) |
**RESTART 2 DURING wall 5 – dance up to count
48, add an “&” count to change weight over to L, then begin again facing
9 第五面牆跳至此, 加一”&”拍重心至左足, 面向9點鐘, 從頭起跳 |
第七段 |
L Back Rock Recover &, R Forward Rock Recover &,
L Rock Forward &, R Rock Back Recover. 後下沉 回復 併, 下沉 回復 併, 下沉 回復 併, 後下沉 回復 |
1,2& |
Rock back on L, recover weight to R, step L beside R. 左足後下沉, 右足回復, 左足併踏 |
3,4& |
Rock forward on R, recover weight to L, step R beside L. 右足前下沉, 左足回復, 右足併踏 |
5,6& |
Rock forward on L, recover weight to R, step L beside R. 左足前下沉, 右足回復, 左足併踏 |
7,8 |
Rock back on R, recover weight to L. (9 o’clock) 右足後下沉, 左足回復(面向9點鐘) |
第八段 |
R Shuffle Forward, Step ½ Pivot Turn R, L Shuffle
Forward, L Full Turn. 前交換, 踏 轉, 前交換, 轉 轉 |
1&2 |
Shuffle forward stepping R, step L beside R, step forward R. (前交換)右足前踏, 左足併踏, 右足前踏 |
3,4 |
Step forward on L, make a ½ turn R (weight forward on R). 左足前踏, 右轉180度(重心在右足) |
5&6 |
Shuffle forward stepping L, step R beside L, step forward on L. (前交換)左足前踏, 右足併踏, 左足前踏 |
7,8 |
Make a ½ turn L stepping back on R, make another ½ turn L stepping
forward on L. (3 o’clock). 左轉180度右足後踏, 左轉180度左足前踏(面向3點鐘) Easier option: walk forward R, L. 簡易版:右足前走, 左足前走 |