#16 counts intro
Section 1: Step Left diagonal swivel right heel, toe forward, swivel toe, heel back ,touch left, step back left diagonal, touch right
1-2Step left forward to left diagonal(body facing right diagonal), swivel right heel diagonally towards left
3-4Swivel right toe diagonally towards left, swivel right toe diagonally back away from left
5-6Swivel right heel diagonally back away from left (weight finishes on right) Touch left toe next to right (straighten up to 12 o'clock)
7-8Step left back diagonal left, touch right toe next to left
Section 2: Step right to right side, slide left next to right, touch, left kick & cross, hold, step back left, step right side
1-2Step right big step to right side, slide left towards right
3-4&Touch left next to right, Low kick left to left diagonal, small step left next to right
5-6Cross right over left, hold on count 6
7-8Step back left, step right to right side (shoulder width apart)
Section 3: Left step lock step, hold, Rock forward R, recover L, 1/2 turn right, hold
1-2Step forward left, step right forward behind left
3-4Step forward left, hold on count 4
5-6Rock forward right, recover back on left
7-8Turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right, hold on count 8 (6 o'clock)
Section 4: Step L, 1/4 pivot right, step L, hold, Rock forward R, Recover L, 1/4 turn right, hold
1-2Step forward left, pivot 1/4 turn right stepping right
3-4Step forward left, hold on count 4 (9 o'clock)
5-6Rock forward right, recover back on left
7-8Turn 1/4 right stepping forward right, hold on count 8 (12 o'clock)
Section 5: Rock forward L, recover R, step back L/ kick R, step R, L step lock step, hold
1-2Rock forward left, recover back on right
3-4Step back left as you Kick RIGHT forward , step forward right
5-6Step forward left, step right forward behind left
7-8Step forward left, hold on count 8
Section 6: Prissy walks R, hold, L, hold, cross, hop, L back, R side
1-2Step right forward over left, hold on count 2 and click fingers
3-4Step left forward over right, hold on count 4 and click fingers (dip slightly on these 4 counts)
5-6Cross right over left, small hop on right lifting left knee (angle body to left diagonal)
7-8Step back left, step right to ride side (straighten up to 12 o'clock)
Section 7: Turn 1/8 R stepping forward L, R kick, back, together, turn 1/8 R stepping right to side, slide, tap tap
1-2Turn 1/8 right stepping forward left, kick right forward
3-4Step back right, step left next to right
5-6Turn 1/8 right stepping right big step to right side, slide left towards right (3 o'clock)
7-8Tap left toe twice next to right -tap-tap
Section 8: L kick cross, R kick cross, L diagonal back touch, R diagonal back touch
1-2Kick left forward, cross step left over right
3-4Kick right forward, cross step right over left
5-6Step left back diagonal left, touch right next to left
7-8Step right back diagonal right, touch left next to right
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK @Rodeostomp Linedancing
Section 1: Step Left diagonal swivel right heel, toe forward, swivel toe, heel back ,touch left, step back left diagonal, touch right
1-2Step left forward to left diagonal(body facing right diagonal), swivel right heel diagonally towards left
3-4Swivel right toe diagonally towards left, swivel right toe diagonally back away from left
5-6Swivel right heel diagonally back away from left (weight finishes on right) Touch left toe next to right (straighten up to 12 o'clock)
7-8Step left back diagonal left, touch right toe next to left
Section 2: Step right to right side, slide left next to right, touch, left kick & cross, hold, step back left, step right side
1-2Step right big step to right side, slide left towards right
3-4&Touch left next to right, Low kick left to left diagonal, small step left next to right
5-6Cross right over left, hold on count 6
7-8Step back left, step right to right side (shoulder width apart)
Section 3: Left step lock step, hold, Rock forward R, recover L, 1/2 turn right, hold
1-2Step forward left, step right forward behind left
3-4Step forward left, hold on count 4
5-6Rock forward right, recover back on left
7-8Turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right, hold on count 8 (6 o'clock)
Section 4: Step L, 1/4 pivot right, step L, hold, Rock forward R, Recover L, 1/4 turn right, hold
1-2Step forward left, pivot 1/4 turn right stepping right
3-4Step forward left, hold on count 4 (9 o'clock)
5-6Rock forward right, recover back on left
7-8Turn 1/4 right stepping forward right, hold on count 8 (12 o'clock)
Section 5: Rock forward L, recover R, step back L/ kick R, step R, L step lock step, hold
1-2Rock forward left, recover back on right
3-4Step back left as you Kick RIGHT forward , step forward right
5-6Step forward left, step right forward behind left
7-8Step forward left, hold on count 8
Section 6: Prissy walks R, hold, L, hold, cross, hop, L back, R side
1-2Step right forward over left, hold on count 2 and click fingers
3-4Step left forward over right, hold on count 4 and click fingers (dip slightly on these 4 counts)
5-6Cross right over left, small hop on right lifting left knee (angle body to left diagonal)
7-8Step back left, step right to ride side (straighten up to 12 o'clock)
Section 7: Turn 1/8 R stepping forward L, R kick, back, together, turn 1/8 R stepping right to side, slide, tap tap
1-2Turn 1/8 right stepping forward left, kick right forward
3-4Step back right, step left next to right
5-6Turn 1/8 right stepping right big step to right side, slide left towards right (3 o'clock)
7-8Tap left toe twice next to right -tap-tap
Section 8: L kick cross, R kick cross, L diagonal back touch, R diagonal back touch
1-2Kick left forward, cross step left over right
3-4Kick right forward, cross step right over left
5-6Step left back diagonal left, touch right next to left
7-8Step right back diagonal right, touch left next to right
FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK @Rodeostomp Linedancing