CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Harriet Langston (UK) & Natalie Langston (UK) - June 2015
Proud - JLS : (iTunes)
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Intro: 16 count

(Section 1) side drag, sailor step, behind side cross, rock recover, sailor quarter turn
1Take big step to right side sliding your left foot next to right
2&3Step left behind right, right to right side and step left next to right
4&5Step right behind left, step left to left side and cross right over left
6 7Rock onto left, recover onto right
8&1Cross left behind right make ¼ turn left stepping right next to left, step foot to side [9.00]

(Section 2) step, spiral turn, left shuffle, side rock cross, side rock cross
2 3Step onto right, unwind a full turn (spiral turn) left hooking your left foot in front of right
4&5Step onto left, step right together and step left forward
6&7Rock right to right side, recover onto left and cross right over left
8&1Rock left to left side, recover onto right and cross left over right

(Section 3) step ¼, step ½, lock step back, hip bump ½ turn, hip bump ½ turn
2 3Step onto right making a ¼ of a turn to your right, step back onto left making a ½ turn to your left [6.00]
4& 5Step back onto right, close left in front of right and step back onto right
6&7Touch left behind right making ½ turn to your left swaying your hips right, left, putting weight onto left
8&1Touch right in front of left making a ½ turn to your left swaying your hips right, left, putting weight onto right [6.00]

(Section 4) step, step, toe, step, heel, step, mambo step
2 3Step onto left, step onto right
4 5Touch left toe behind right, step back onto left
6&7Right heel forward, step onto right and bring left foot forward
8&1Step right foot forward, back onto left and step back onto right

(Section 5) chasse left, rock back recover, coaster step, kick ball change
2&3Step left to left side, close right beside left and step left to left side
4 5Rock back onto right, recover onto left [restart here on wall 5]
6&7Step back onto right, step left next to right and step forward on right on L
8&1kick left foot forward, step left next to right and step right next to left.

(Section 6) ¼ turn, step, step lock back, step 1/2, step 1/2, step, ½ coaster
2 3Step ¼ to your left stepping onto left, cross right over left [3.00]
4&5Step back onto left, close right in front of left and step back onto left
678&Make a ½ turn right stepping onto right, Make a ½ turn right stepping onto left, step back on right and step left next to right

Tag: at the end of walls 1 and 3
1-4sway your hips right, left, right, left transferring your weight

Restart : After 36 count on wall 5

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