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Scandalous Shuffle EZ

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High Beginner
Bobbey Willson (USA) - May 2015
Escandalo - La Sonora Dinamita
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Long intro - begin during intro at beat 25.
Fade out at 3:25 or add end of song to 3:25 for a nice finish..

Chasse RLR Step-back & Rec, Chasse LRL Step-back & Rec
1&2 3 4Step R to right, Step L to R, Step R to right, Step back L Recover on R
5&6 7 8Step L to left, Step R to L, Step L to left, Step back R, Recover on L

Shuffle fwd RLR Step Pivot 1/2 right, Shuffle fwd LRL Step Pivot 1/4 left
1&2 3 4Step fwd R, Step L to R, Step fwd R, Step fwd L, Turn 1/2 right and shift wt to R
5&6 7 8Step fwd L, Step R to L, Step fwd L, Step fwd R, Turn 1/4 left and shift wt to L

Shuffle fwd RLR Raise L knee Point L, Shuffle back LRL Raise R knee Point R down
1&2 3 4Step fwd R, Step L to R, Step fwd R, Raise L knee, Point L to left
5&6 7 8Step back L, Step R to L, Step back L, Raise R knee, Point R toe down (wt is on L)

Chasse RLR Rock-Rec, Triple Step 1/2 turn left LRL, Point R to right Drag R to top of L
1&2 3 4Step R to right, Step L to R, Step R to right, Cross Rock L, Recover on R
5&6Turning 1/2 left and Step: L, R, L
7 8Point R to right, drag R toe to top of L (wt is on L)

TAG - After walls 4, 9 and at the end for a fun finish!
Stomp 4 beats RLRL or RRRR or just swish skirts for 4 beats… (finish with weight on L)
1 2 3 4In Place: Stomp or Step “lively” 4x (swish those skirts!)

Notes if used as a performance piece, with our without the Scandalous Train:
*At the end do step turns until facing front and end with a flurry of skirts and stomp(s)!
*Instead of just fading out at 3:25, cut and paste ending from the song onto your music for your finale.

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use on your website
please make sure it is in its original format and include all contact details on this script.


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