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All About That Bass

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Jo Rosenblatt (AUS) - March 2015
All About That Bass - Meghan Trainor : (Album: Title)
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(Especially for the Emerald Malkari Guides)

START: 32 count Intro, weight on left

Diagonal Fwd, Touch, Clap, Clap, Diagonal Fwd, Touch, Clap, Clap
1-4Step R fwd on right diagonal, Touch L beside right, Clap, Clap
(Make your claps high and to the right of your head.)
5-8Step L fwd on left diagonal, Touch R beside left, Clap, Clap
(Make your claps high and to the left of your head.)

Heel Strut, Heel Strut, Heel Strut, Heel Strut
(Complete a half circle to the right with these Heel Struts.)
1 2Step fwd on R heel, Step down on R toe
3 4Step fwd on L heel, Step down on L toe
5 6Step fwd on R heel, Step down on R toe
7 8Step fwd on L heel, Step down on L toe
(Complete a half circle to the right as you Heel Strut. Click your fingers as you go.)

Run, Run, Run, Hold, Run, Run, Run, Hold
1-4Run fwd: R, L, R, Hold
5-8Run fwd: L, R, L, Hold

Stomp Out, Hold, Stomp Out, Hold, Stomp In, Hold, Stomp In, Hold
1-4Stomp R out to right, Hold, Stomp L out to left, Hold
(At hip level: place R hand to right and L hand to left on your stomps.)
5-8Stomp R in to centre, Hold, Stomp L in to centre, Hold
(Place your R hand to left shoulder and L hand to right shoulder on your stomps.)

Free to be copied provided no changes are made to the original choreography.
Jo Rosenblatt 0417 074218


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